Small business down for the count in Las Vegas? Foundation Research, Inc. says no!
Online, June 4, 2010 (
Las Vegas, Nevada (April 8, 2010) - During tough economic times only the strong and innovative survive. And the best of the best flourish. Keeping the pulse of the needs of your customer base is more important than just satisfying their wants. Establishing a network keeps communication wide open to respond and resolve many shortfalls, as well as stage long term sustainable growth.
"Foundation Research, Inc. has kept pace with all economic turns both good and bad. It is critical to convey to our clients the need to develop programs that will extend into their business' community," states CEO Patricia Hartley of Foundation Research, Inc.
"We work very closely with our clients to reach out and help develop relationships with their business partners, which in turn establishes a point of leverage for still other relationships." Patricia Hartley goes on to say, "once a solid network is established many needs can be met. These relationships should be widened to include community outreach."
"Alternative funding sources like grants can be the turning point in the life and death struggle with operating businesses both large and small" Patricia Hartley also states, "if you have done your homework, and established programs with the emphasis on community outreach, you will attract many foundations and funding sources that seek to accomplish that same goal."
Tags: foundation, foundation research inc., las vegas, Patricia Hartley, research