Small Business Owners "Sound Big" With Professional Voicemail Greetings, Auto Attendant & IVR Recordings

Troy, MI, February 9, 2016 ( - Many small business owners are realizing their voicemail greetings and auto attendant recordings play a large role in impressing customers. Those seeking professional, friendly, high-quality phone recordings for their company have been turning to Macryn Voice Greetings (
Macryn Voice Greetings provides an experienced, professional voice talent who specializes in custom phone recordings, voicemail greetings, automated attendant, VOIP. PBX and IVR voice prompt recordings.
"We've recorded telephone greetings for businesses all over the world whose owners either didn't like the sound of their own voice or tried to use people in their office to do the recordings... however, the clarity, grace, confidence and professionalism just wasn't there. We help polish a company's image and make them sound more credible, which can give a business a leg up on the competition."
Lecia Macryn, President/Professional Voice Talent
President and professional voice talent, Lecia Macryn, states: “Businesses who have their business phone recordings and cell phone greetings done by a professional voice talent, help reinforce their company’s image.” She adds: “We’ve recorded telephone greetings for businesses all over the world whose owners either didn’t like the sound of their own voice or tried to use people in their office to do the recordings... however, the clarity, grace, confidence and professionalism just wasn’t there. We help polish a company's image and make them sound more credible, which can give a business a leg up on the competition.” Macryn Voice Greetings even records cell phone greetings for business owners and employees who use their mobile phones for business calls.
Macryn Voice Greetings not only helps small businesses who may need just a few professional phone greetings, but also works with large companies all over the world who require hundreds of auto attendant, IVR voice prompts and messages recorded. High quality, crystal clear recordings are provided for all types of needs, including: PBX, VOIP and IVR voice prompts for surveys, employee communications, telephone banking, credit card services, insurance services, retail, travel services, informational recordings and much more.
With its base in Michigan, the company services clients all over the world. Recordings can be sent via internet in most any format, recorded directly into a company’s phone system or even into a cell phone. Hear Voice Demos and get more information at or call: (248) 288-2242.
Macryn Voice Greetings
PH: 248-288-2242 email: [email protected]
Tags: acd, auto attendant, automated attendant, business phones, IVR, professional voice greetings, small business, telephony, voice mail, Voice Prompts, voicemail greetings, voip