Small Company Giving Big For World Water Day
Online, March 22, 2011 ( - Today is World Water Day and Dae Dreams Massage Company is doing their part to bring awareness to such a relevant and important cause. 884 million people do not have access to safe drinking water and nearly 3.5 million people die because of it. These are not just alarming numbers these are individual who are suffering from a lack of the most essential need in human life. With diarrhea being the second leading cause of death of children under five years old, the world is losing a child every 20 seconds to water related diseases. A donation of $25.00 usd can give a person clean water for life.
Last month Dae, owner of Dae Dreams Massage Company decided to make a commitment to help fight for people who unnecessarily suffering. She took advantage of last month's NBA All Star weekend in L.a and approached her contacts and clients to autograph a basketball that would later be auction off for charity. This wasn't a difficult task for L.A's top celebrity masseuse. They were more than happy to help out. She had celebs such as LL Cool J, Marcedes Lewis, Rasoul Butler, Steve Blake, Nelly, Shemar Moore, Will McGinest and many more sign the basketball. Dae was able to raise $450.00 from the auction and donated half to who is at the forefront of battling the world's water crisis. The other half is being used for Dae Dreams charity who for now continues to donate backpacks full of shoes and supplies for the kids in Haiti.
"I want to show through example that an individual or small company like ours can raise money and bring awareness to causes that are important to them. I encourage others to give it a try" says Dae.
Dae Dreams Massage Company is L.A's favorite massage company bringing luxurious spa like massages in the comfort of your home. We cater to a vast clientele including high visible persons who demand discretion and professionalism. Famous for her Deep Tissue Therapy, Dae has gained over 7 years of training and experience Dae Dreams Massage has two other highly recommended massage therapists to meet your needs. Our therapists are committed to what they do and, focused on building their clientele through extraordinary service. We also stay committed to giving back through various charitable organizations.
Tags: celebrity charity, los angeles massage company, Water, world water day