SmartSymbols™ Offers Advanced Marketing Solution for Book Publishers and Authors

This newest set of SmartSymbols™ is focused specifically on driving sales and brand building for books and authors.

SmartSymbols™ Interactive Technology announces a new addition to their interactive labeling product suite, SmartSymbols™ for book publishers and authors. This newest set of SmartSymbols™ is focused specifically on driving sales and brand building for books and authors.

This new industry focused symbol set organizes real time social network and social media content, book reviews, interactive maps of the story's geographic locations, calendar of events, video based author bios and both written and audio book excerpts for display across any number of Web-based environments including: ecommerce sites, publisher and author Web sites, blogs and mobile devices.

SmartSymbols™ social media marketing support includes real time feed capabilities from Twitter, Facebook and blog/RSS. SmartSymbols™ is the only author and book publishing marketing tool to combine traditional internal marketing material with external social media marketing strategies, bringing the total book community experience to all points of distribution.

"For many readers having a book or author's community experience at the point of sale provides the tipping point for conversion to a sale, which is especially valuable in the pre-release of a book", stated Ed Loessi, CMO of SmartSymbols™ Interactive Technology". "SmartSymbols gives authors and book publishers the ability to engage customers and increase interaction with their books at the point of sale, where customers demand it the most. In addition, SmartSymbols™ provides opportunities for cross-selling and up-selling during the initial purchase."

SmartSymbols™ has created an example of its new symbol set and social media marketing support available on the company website

For additional information, visit

ABOUT Jump To Green, Inc. - Featured in the January 13, 2009 Mass High Tech article 'Startup Watch: Five you should follow', Jump To Green, Inc. is an interactive labeling technology developer. Our technologies increase sales and brand building through visualizations and interactive features.


Tags: authors, books, facebook, publishing, Twitter

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Chris Glennon
Press Contact, Jump To Green, Inc.
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