Smashtalk® Delivers Text Messaging 2.0

"Reply-All" Text Messaging Capability Brings Group Conversations To Text Messaging (SMS) Users Worldwide

Communication Enhancement Products (CEP) today announced the official release of Smashtalk®. Smashtalk is the patent-pending technology that allows text messaging users to be able to send text messages via normal Short Message Service (SMS) and include the complete list of recipients along with the message. With Smashtalk, consumers can now have multi-party e-mail style conversations through text messaging.

Unlike traditional text messages in which the recipient can only respond to the sender, Smashtalk allows the text message recipient to respond to all of the original recipients of the text message.

Imagine a family trying to decide where to meet for dinner when everyone is in a different part of the mall? Imagine a sales team trying to coordinate a last minute change of location for a meeting? Ever try to arrange a meeting with a handful of friends after work? Not everyone has instant e-mail. Arranging an instant conference call is virtually impossible. Smashtalk solves all these problems and more.

Best of all, Smashtalk is backwards compatible with existing text messaging devices. Anyone receiving a Smashtalk message who does not have a Smashtalk-enabled device will be presented with a standard text message instead of a Smashtalk message with its included list of recipients. There is no loss of functionality when mixing Smashtalk-enabled devices and older cell phones. There's only less functionality for the user of the older device.

Smashtalk has been designed to be integrated into all mobile phones and computing devices including feature phones, smartphones, cellular phone-enabled laptops and netbooks as well as SMS Gateways. Essentially, any device that has access to the mobile telephony networks can utilize Smashtalk. Smashtalk has also been designed for integration directly into applications such that devices can share information with other devices.

"Smashtalk is the first product to take the immediacy and ubiquity of text messaging and add the multi-party aspects of e-mail," said Mark Ryan, CEP founder and president. "I fully expect to see text messaging usage rates double if not triple in the next year because of the power of Smashtalk. Smashtalk is a tremendous game changer."

Supported Environments

Smashtalk technology requires that it be embedded into the mobile telephony device. Conversations are being initiated with the major handset manufacturers and carriers to begin the process of incorporating Smashtalk into their current development cycles.

Pricing and Availability

All pricing and availability announcements will be the responsibility of the appropriate vendors who are delivering Smashtalk-enabled devices. Please contact your carrier or devices manufacturer to find out when they plan to deliver Smashtalk technology.

About CEP

Communication Enhancement Products is the developer of business applications and software programs that provide innovative solutions for the communication needs of consumers and businesses. CEP solutions are designed to enhance the communication tools already in use - learning curves are small as are the solution costs. CEP is headquartered in Las Vegas, Nevada. The privately held company was founded in 1999. Phone: 602-492-1088. Fax: 253-540-1153. Web:


Tags: Smashtalk, sms, Text Messaging

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Mark Ryan
Press Contact, Communication Enhancement Products, Inc.
Communication Enhancement Products, Inc.
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