SME's Silicon Valley Chapter to Present Conference Titled
Online, April 4, 2014 ( - The SME's Silicon Valley Chapter will present a one-day conference, "3D Printing and Robotics - Design and Make the Future" on Thursday, May 22, 2014 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Santa Clara, Calif. The event will be held in conjunction with the Northern California Design-2-Part Show being held on May 21-22, also at the Santa Clara Convention Center.
Attend the 3D Printing and Robotics conference to learn more about where, when, and how to use the hot new trend of 3D printing in your own business, and understand the resources available to you. You'll also hear from industry professionals and executives on the topic of robotics trends and opportunities, as its applications spread into homes, hospitals, surgeries, laboratories, packaging, and dangerous missions.
The program is packed with over 20 high-level speakers and resources from industry and workforce development programs including serial entrepreneurs, company founders, manufacturers, and design firms.
The conference is ideal for product development engineers, "makers", designers, manufacturing professionals, technologists, manufacturing engineers and managers, students and professionals interested in advancing their knowledge in design, prototyping, making, 3D printing, additive manufacturing, robotics, and networking.
Gain new ideas, meet people who share your interests, and learn how the Bay Area continues to innovate and respond to global competition in the following areas:
• 3D Printing Revolution - Trends and Advancements
• How 3D Printing is Transforming and Accelerating the New Product Development Cycle
• Robotics: From the Basics and Trends to Delivering Success
• An Introduction of a New Robot
• 3D Printing and Robotics Demonstrations
• Robotics Transform the Future
The conference includes a tour break to the Design-2-Part Show where you will gain connections with vendors that will aid you in your product development and manufacturing projects. The co-located Northern California Design-2-Part Show is the largest show in the region to focus exclusively on contract manufacturing services. The 2014 show will feature nearly 225 of the finest American contract manufacturing companies exhibiting design-through-manufacturing services covering more than 300 product categories.
Program Highlights
Morning Session - 3D Printing Revolution
• JoAnne Moody - 2014 Event Director, SME Silicon Valley Chapter 98
• Bill Browne - Master of Ceremonies, MANEX Consulting
Additive Manufacturing — Opportunities and Challenges
• Mike Prokosch - Manufacturing Engineering Section Leader, Lawrence Livermore National Lab
Introduction to California Network for Manufacturing Innovation
• Bill Browne - Director of Economic and Workforce Development, MANEX Consulting
Latest Design and Simulation Software Approaches
• Damon Tordini - Simulation Application Specialist, Hawk Ridge Systems
• Chris Ma - Simulation Engineer, Hawk Ridge Systems
3D Printing Transforms the Product Development Cycle - Panel Discussion
• Rich Stump - Principal, Fathom - Panel Leader
• Sean Finn - Principal, F3 & Associates, Inc.
• Eric Appelblom - Owner, Precision Plastics
• Mark Brinkerhoff - President, Fusion Design, Inc.
Lunch Break: Design-2-Part Tour, 3D Printing and Robotics
Afternoon Session - Robotics Transform the Future
• Larry S. Lewis - President, Phoenix Automation
Brand New Robotics
• James Farmer - Regional Manager, Fanuc Robotics
Robotics Trends - A Panel discussion
• Larry S. Lewis - President, Phoenix Automation - Panel Leader
• James Farmer - Regional Manager, Fanuc Robotics
• Jesse Hayes - Product Manager, Schunk/Ingo Rupport
• Glen Langstaff - COO & VP Operations, RAM Mechanical
• Steve Stinson - Regional Manager, Data Logic
The conference is open to SME members and non-members. For more information, or to register to attend, please visit
For more information about the Northern California Design-2-Part Show, or to register for free show admission, visit
About SME
SME ( connects all those who are passionate about making things that improve our world. As a nonprofit organization, SME has served practitioners, companies, educators, government and communities across the manufacturing spectrum for more than 80 years. Through its strategic areas of events, media, membership, training and development, and the SME Education Foundation, SME is uniquely dedicated to advancing manufacturing by addressing both knowledge and skill needs for industry. At SME, we are making the future. Together.
This event is sponsored by Silicon Valley Chapter #098 and proceeds from this conference will go toward other educational activities which the Chapter hosts locally throughout the year.
This conference is held with collaboration from the SME North Bay and SME Sacramento chapters. Other local organizations that support SME include SJSU BMES, IEEE-CPMT, ASME-SCVS, ASQ Northern CA Biomedical Division, SWE-SCV, San Jose State University, and DeAnza College. For more information or if you have registration issues, please contact the Conference Co-Chairs, Joanne Moody or Cynthia Cook at [email protected].
Tags: 3d printing, engineer, Manufacturing