Smith & Tzannes Invests $40,000 In Union Square To Drive Change

Sydney-based Smith & Tzannes (S&T) is the latest Architectural practice to sign up to Union Square for AEC Professionals.

Sydney-based Smith & Tzannes (S&T) is the latest Architectural practice to sign up to Union Square for AEC Professionals. Established in 2004, S&T has delivered high profile work across both private and public sectors. It also has an impressive track record on NRL stadium projects, having worked with the Sharks, Dragons, Tigers and the Sea Eagles.

Founding Director Peter Smith says that the investment may seem substantial for a practice with twelve people but he's convinced the investment will pay for itself within the first year. "Key to our success has been our ability to retain clients over the long term. Part of the reason for this has been our commitment to quality and amongst other things that means consistency in service delivery. Union Square will reduce our operating costs by streamlining our Workflows, allowing us to be more consistent, more efficient and punch well above our weight. In a market where fees are under constant pressure, and labour costs are very high, improving the way we work is extremely important."

Union Square's web based system represents the next generation in Practice Management technology. Encompassing document and email management, as well as drawing issue and distribution, Peter is excited about what lies ahead. "One of the things that has impressed us about Union Square is its integration with Outlook and ease of use. Everyone in the practice will be able to use the system very easily; we are particularly looking forward to using the advanced resource forecasting features, iPhone Access and automated drawing control. If Union Square can save every member of staff 12 minutes a day, which is easily justified alone just by the improvements in document searching, then the new system will have paid for itself within the first year."

Peter has always been a great advocate of investment in technology. "The whole industry is lacking in terms of investment in technology and we therefore see this initiative as a key differentiator. In the next few years the industry is going to change rapidly as globalisation forces new pressures upon us all and S&T aim to be at the forefront."

Will Yandell, Director for Australasian operations at Union Square and now resident in Australia is impressed with Peter's vision. "S&T's explicit strategy is to stay lean and nimble allowing the Directors to be close to key customers. Technology is seen as an enabler to driving efficiency and improving quality management, which will allow the business to offer new and improved services to its customers. We have only been in the Australia for a few weeks so to get an endorsement of our technology so early is a great sign that the Australian market is ready for modern practice management techniques and technology."


Tags: Architects, document management, Union Square

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Press Contact, Union Square Software
Union Square Software
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