Offers Professional Electronic Cigarette Review to Help Smokers Pick the Best Choice is a website containing honest reviews of electronic cigarettes, ranked and rated based on various factors by smokers who want to share the best brands in the industry.

Electronic cigarettes are battery-powered devices that essentially provide smokers with the same nicotine fix that traditional smokes offer, but without the risks that the latter brings E-cigs, are they are also called, produce vapor with flavorings and nicotine added to emulate the sense of smoking.

Continuously exploding in terms of popularity, e-cigarette devices have been declared legal in many countries and territories. E-cigs also show promising effects, with more than 30% of users found to have quit smoking typically within 6 months of switching, according to a 2011 study by the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Unsurprisingly, many brands of the product have been flooding the market, giving users more options but also making it ever more difficult to locate the right one to suit them. was created to deliver electronic cigarette evaluations and rankings based on tests that are conducted over a week of continual use. Backed by e-cig smokers themselves, the website seeks to locate the most ideal electronic cigarette brand on the market, justifying why it is the best choice. After numerous and ongoing tests, is classified as the most credible electronic cigarette review site on the net today.

In particular, ranks products from various manufacturers, rating the top 10 of them based on factors such as price, vapor, value, battery, quality and comments. Making it to the list are V2 Cigs, Green Smoke, Vapor Couture, Ozone Smoke, vantage Vapor, South Beach Smoke, Ever Smoke, White Cloud, Smoke Tip and Apollo. The electronic cigarette review website also picks an e-cig of the month.

The people behind believe that testing each electronic cigarette brand for a week gives them the confidence of knowing the good and bad points of the products. The findings are then recorded on a short video and written as reviews. The website is not persuaded or influenced by any of the companies that it features, although interested consumers will be directed to the official shop selling the products. is also currently developing a tool to help users the general smoker in choosing to switch to electronic cigarettes. Comprising of simple questions, the product is deemed to benefit consumers in terms of using the e-cig with the best features.

To learn more about the top-rated electronic cigarettes in the market, please visit for honest, unbiased and unprejudiced reviews.


Tags: Best E Cigarette, best electronic cigarette, buy, Compare, E-cigarette reviews, ecigarette, electronic cigarette, electronic cigarette reviews, review, reviews, select, top electronic cigarette

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