Soccerdrills For Parents- Your Kids Future
Online, March 25, 2010 ( - Very special and new free video series is being presented from a coach to all youth soccer players for the subscribers of Simply fill out the form given there with your first name and valid email address- then just by clicking the "Send Me FREE Drills!" button you can receive your Free Soccer Drills Videos! This is a very special announcement for all the parents and coaches of youth soccer players.
The has hundreds of videos of soccer drills and articles to help you teach your youth soccer player the game of soccer. You will find reviews of programs like Coerver Coaching, a well known one for developing and coaching training programs; this program can be used by players, parents, and of course coaches also. This series can be used in the backyard, local field and driveway. This is such a convenient and a flexible program. Drills can be done with a group of friends or individually. So giving you a chance to choose methods that suits you.
Soccer Drills for Parents is a versatile website which was created to help those parents who crave to give their kids tools to enhance their soccer skills. Being a soccer player for youth teams, club teams, and high school JV and Varsity he is far from many other most experienced coaches. He is aware of what needs to be done and to give kids the best of the opportunities, he presents his resourceful experiences. The specialty is coaching youth soccer players in the age groups U6, U8, and U10. You can enjoy Soccer Drills For Parents, make the use of it and get the best for your kids future.
Contact Details:
1240 Lincoln Way East Ste 305 Massillon,
Ohio 44646Phone Numbers: 330.470.0488
Mail id: [email protected]
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Tags: kids soccer drills, soccer dribbling drills, soccer drills for parents