Social Lubrication, LLC Launches Social Lubrication Card Game, a Hilarious Adult Party Game, on Kickstarter

Social Lubrication Card Game

​​​​​Social Lubrication Card Game is a good excuse for bad behavior. The game, played with an original deck of cards, involves creative thinking and impromptu actions while under the pressure of a 30 second timer. It combines elements of charades and role playing for adults. It’s definitely NSFW.

Creators Tanya Hekimian and Jonathan Luis came up with the concept after experiencing a burst of inspiration while at Burning Man in September of 2016. Both are members of a board game camp there called Dusty Dice.

Jonathan Luis is also credited for creating the game, “The Gauntlet”, a behind closed doors party game involving naked players crawling through a lineup of legs while drinking shots of alcohol. Tanya Hekimian is an entrepreneur and former Television producer who has sold pilots to MTV and A&E. Together, the team decided to create their own fun party game so that others could have more fun--just like them.

Social Lubrication reveals how fun and creative your friends really are and is best played with four or more players. Before the game begins, someone is chosen to play the role of "Arbiter of the Worst Behavior. Ever. Period." Teams are chosen like at a 70’s "Key Party"--one partner from a couple drops their keys in a bowl, the keys are shuffled, the other partner selects a set of keys at random, and new teams of two are formed.

The last person to select keys begins the game by picking a card from the top of the deck and, one by one, each team must perform what’s on the card in thirty seconds or less. Once each team has had their chance to give the card their best shot, the Arbiter decides who wins the card and the game continues. At the end of the deck, the team with the most cards wins!

Most adult party games fall within two extremes: sanitized Charade-like games or ultra-dirty drinking games. Social Lubrication is neither. Described as a good excuse for bad behavior, it focuses on using the skills of logic, wordplay, and improvisation to get players to interact with each other in ways they normally might not do in a social situation. The simple tasks on the cards create awkward and hilarious game play. Some cards involve role playing, for example, "Role play pizza delivery person and hungry customer", or "Pat down your partner like an airport security officer." While other cards are more about wordplay and wittiness: "Talk dirty to your partner", or "Give us your best pick up line at a bar."

Social Lubrication, LLC is launching a crowdfunding campaign on Kickstarter to raise funds in order to release the game. Rewards for pledging include a copy of the game as well as an opportunity to come play the game with the two creators in Los Angeles.

Contact: Tanya Hekimian 310-650-7558


Kickstarter Campaign:




Source: Social Lubrication, LLC


Tags: adult, cardgame, college, fun, game, hilarious, kickstarter, nsfw, party, social

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About Social Lubrication, LLC.

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Social Lubrication, LLC. is a startup gaming company. It is releasing its first title, "Social Lubrication Card Game," and will receive initial funding on the Kickstarter platform in November. Production on the game will begin early 2017.

Social Lubrication, LLC.
1376 North Beverly Drive
Beverly Hills, CA 90210
United States