Social Media Firm Teaching Businesses How to Fair Better, Fly Higher, During Down Economic Period

Social Media Management firm, Social Climb, is creating a buzz sharing ways to reduce the damaging effects of the economy by utilizing Social Media Marketing. Social Climb stresses to its clients that now, more than ever, they should be vigilant in

Social Media, once a fad, is taking the front seat in today's sluggish marketplace. Studies report more than 57% of organizations now have talent, in-house or outside, dedicated to Social Media Branding and ongoing maintenance. Combine this with the "free-to-low" entry price point, the ability to develop your own customized program, the opportunity to implement your program in affordable increments, and the opportunity to "spot-on" target qualified prospects, and it is no wonder the Social Media movement has taken on a life of its own. Gallegos is quick to point out that Facebook alone now has over 500,000,000 members, with more than 300,000 business pages, in the US alone. With windfall numbers like this, it is a market difficult to ignore.

Social Climb founder, Jamie Gallegos, created the company intent upon helping organizations of all sizes take full advantage of the unlimited potential of this online mega-market. Based upon more than 25 years in technology and 6 years building her own Colorado based HR recruiting firm, Gallegos is excited to provide mission critical Social Media information through informational seminars, workshops and full-service consulting services. Now a Certified Social Media professional, Gallegos began her entry into Social Media learning how to grow her own recruitment firm, implementing a well executed marketing arsenal, including her own web page, creating both a career and a recruitment newsletter, Facebook profiles, a company fan page, LinkedIn and Twitter.

Many of Social Media's best success stories show impressive ROI'S when compared to traditional print and electronic media options. Companies embracing and benefiting from Social Media now include a wide range of organizations like the U.S. Navy, Burger King, Best Buy, The Susan G. Komen Foundation, Dell Computers and Dominos. From real estate professionals to dentists, plumbers, national colleges, associations, charities, government agencies and hair salons, Social Media is here to stay. For most organizations, it is not "if" they will use it, but when they will use it, how and at what point it will become a viable investment in their bottom-line.

Social Climb will share more about what Social Media is, who's using it and how, at some upcoming Free Social Media seminars and webinars. The next free awareness seminar is scheduled for October 5, 2010. Interested business owners and managers are encouraged to RSVP as space is limited. For more information, call 303-842-8864 or e-mail [email protected].


Tags: Social Media in Down Economy, Social Media Marketing, Social Media Training

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Debra Rodriguez
Press Contact, Social Climb
Social Climb
10475 Park Meadows Dr, #600
Lone Tree, CO 80124