Social Responsibility Integrated In ISG Technology's Strategy For Development

The Company is setting initiatives to improve the well-being of its staff and communities by incorporating social and environmental issues into their long-term development strategy

Today, it is imperative that businesses are involved in their communities and must be active corporate citizens. ISG technology has integrated corporate social responsibility activities into the long-term strategy of the Company and is actively contributing to enhance quality of life for both the employees and the community.

This year, ISG technology incorporated social and environmental issues into their business operations and their interactions with stakeholders. ISG technology is investing and caring about the company staff and their families. The Company is setting initiatives to improve the well-being of its staff by means of qualifications and training courses, and social investments like insurance and pension options.

The Company and their employees make great efforts targeted toward social activities for the benefit of the community. ISG technology is working closely with universities to build a bridge between education and employment. Over the past year, ISG technology has begun a process of attracting young specialists by providing them with the tools and resources for a successful career.

ISG technology has also supported a variety of different charities. At this year's Go-Karting Event, ISG technology made a sizeable donation to two of the UK's top charities, both focused on children and young people. Additionally this year, members from ISG technology staff participated in the Walk the Walk event in London to raise money and awareness for breast cancer.

To increase the impact of ISG technology's philanthropic efforts, the company is focusing on environmental responsibility programs. All of the offices are participating in recycling programs. The green agenda of the company is verified with the ISO 140001 Environmental Management Accreditation certification.

ISG technology's active involvement in responsible business practices will continue in 2011. The Company is dedicated to investing in education and training, local charities and drawing society's attention to important social issues and building trust and loyalty among our partners and customers.


Tags: development strategy, responsible business, social responsibility

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