Social Trading Fuels the BX8 Binary Options Platform

With the release of the BX8 Binary Options platform, Leverate, a leading brokerage technology solutions provider, introduces social trading as the centerpeice of their strategy designed to promote trader education

With the release of the BX8 Binary Options platform, Leverate, a leading brokerage technology solutions provider, introduces social trading as the centerpeice of their strategy designed to promote trader education and deliver binary options brokers higher conversion rates and deposits.

Building off of the proven success of the social trading model in Leverate's Sirix FX platform, BX8 allows traders to participate in a large network of brokers and their clients, who share information regarding orders and trading strategies . This dramatically lowers the time it takes for new Binary Options traders to become proficient, leading to increased trading volumes and larger deposits. BX8 also includes access to an integrated customer management platform, LXCRM, as well as popular features such as virtual currency trading.

Itay Damti, Leverate's VP of Products, emphasized that Leverate is "completely committed to bringing world-class innovation, knowledge, and resources into this rapidly evolving field."

BX8 is a fully brandable all-in-one Binary Options trading platform which provides everything brokers need for true ownership of their business. BX8 comes fully loaded with a robust exposure management system which analyses market conditions and quickly and accurately responds to protect the broker, while continuing to offer attractive trader payouts.

For an exclusive look at the BX8 binary options platform, go to or contact the Leverate sales specialists for a personal presentation at +44-20-88168970.

About Leverate

Leverate is the vanguard of broker solutions technology and services empowering Forex & Binary brokers and financial institutions with the tools to increase conversion, minimise risk and reach new markets. Leverate's cutting-edge solutions, powered by breakthrough technology, provide market players a comprehensive suite of products to operate the most successful and competitive brokerages in the Forex & Binary industries.

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Remy Rosenbaum
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Tags: Forex Technology, forex trading platform, Forex White Label, Liquidity Provider

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Remy Rosenbaum
Press Contact, leverate
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