Sociota- A Social PR Tool

Sociota-a social media management and monitoring tool. Integrability of Sociota is with four major Social media network, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+. Its social Listening, Reporting and Speaking tool available for FREE and paid Users.

Sociota is a social media management, monitoring and marketing website. Its a platform where one can create social media report, keep a track of his/her personal as well as corporate social media accounts and manage all of it from one place.

What we offer as of now?

Sociota has the following features in its arsenal. Here is a list of tools and Key features we offer along with the areas one can use Sociota for.

Social Media Management: Ability to manage multiple profiles and pages on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google+.

Auto Scheduling: Ability to schedule tweets, updates and other actions in advance across multiple profiles simultaneously as well as individually.

Feed and Connection Watch: Watch all your user and home feeds in a nice horizontally scroll-able panel also expandable to a tiled view for a detailed understanding.

Social Media Monitoring: Monitoring of your relevant keywords and niches in real time.

Social Media Marketing: Ability to communicate with users across all your profiles from within the platform .

Social Media Analytics: Analytics of all your account and performance over a period of time.

Social Media Scoring: Clout score of all your profiles, pages as well as aggregate scores of your Social media performance.

Intuitive UI: Ability to drag and drop your accounts to manage profiles easily. Its a highly intuitive way to select accounts.

Team Management: Real time team management for communication with your team members and job assignment. Highly useful for Corporate Social media and PR companies

Where we are heading?

Sociota covers two aspects of social media integration, Management and monitoring. With Management part of it almost complete pack with features like Scheduling(both real time and in future), Feed watch and connection watch(Friends, followers and following). We wish to take our focus to Monitoring and Reporting. Over the existing basic Monitoring and Analytics that we provide now we are working extensively on Power analytics and reporting. With the new tab coming up called 'Magic Box' one could monitor not only keywords but also make a comparative study of ones competitors and related keywords. With complete flexibility in terms of number of competitors and key word it would act as platform to do research on the competitors or keyword and #-tags

whats the take away?

The report generated is real time i.e. if you generate a report which fetches 1000 tweets and comments today. You do not need to make another report going forward. You can set a frequency and at that regular interval the report keeps updating automatically. Also these reports are publicly available hence you can quote this report to your blog, you can use this report to show the progress of the accounts you are managing. These report can act as great insight at an individual level to work on ones social media reach or at corporate level to do brand marketing.

Flexibility, customize-ability and UI

We give complete freedom to the user in term of number of accounts one can integrate to the no of posts one can make. From no of keywords one cam monitor to the no of competitors one can see a comparative study among. With the highly intuitive UI we intend to make user experience on our website a pleasant and interactive one. The engage-ability factor takes a jump with the drag and drop feature and fluid design we offer.

About Sociota

Sociota is a less than a year young product. The first version of it was launched in June 2013. in its present form, launched in February -2014, we added a bunch of new features and took a step ahead with two more social media integration. Sociota is an of-spring of month of hard work at Trident Analytical Solutions which is an incubated company at IIT-Kanpur.


Tags: social media brand management, social media management, Social Media Marketing, social media monitoring, social media reporting

About Sociota

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Nitin Tripathi
Press Contact, Sociota
Room # 206, E-block,
Visitors hostel extention, IIT campus, Kanpur