SOFA Is on a Mission to Provide Financial Education to America

SOFA is helping companies around America stay compliant, let SOFA help you next!

SOFA is a nationwide nonprofit organization with the mission to end financial illiteracy across America, one community at a time. We are comprised of various financial professionals who volunteer a Pro Bono service to the community by providing various financial topics to companies, churches, and organizations in their geographic locale. Our Members are professionals such as Financial Advisors, Estate Planning Attorneys, Accountants, Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Credit Counselors and Health & Wellness Practitioners.

Founded in 1993, we have had the opportunity and privilege to work with various prominent companies and organizations across America. Our educational financial outreach, and years of continued success, has provided us name recognition and a reputation of excellence.

Also click here to visit SOFA's Video section of their website where you can see what SOFA is doing all around the nation, watch a conversation between SOFA Founder and San Diego Unified School District Superintendent about the need for financial literacy in schools. You will also find a video of a first hand experience trip to Biz Town at Junior Achievement Headquarters in San Diego.

As an organization we understand that discussing finances and financial blunders is something taboo and "off limits". We are opening the door for this discussion to ensure that we are able to help all to find financial comfort!

The Society for Financial Awareness is a nationwide Non-Profit Educational Speaker's Bureau that provides free financial workshops to companies, organizations, city and federal governments, places of worship, other non-profit organizations, and more. SOFA's mission is to end financial illiteracy, one community at a time, by conducting financial education workshops across the country.

If you would like SOFA to host a FREE workshop at your company or organization, or if you would like more information about our organization visit or contact us at (858) 268-7091.


Tags: community, Education, ERISA, finance, financial education, free workshops, non-profit, save money

About The Society for Financial Awareness

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Jim Chilton
Press Contact, The Society for Financial Awareness
The Society for Financial Awareness
3914 Murphy Canyon Rd
Suite A-125
United States