Solamon Energy Set to Enter Saudi Arabia; Proudly Announces Executive Partnership

Solamon Energy set to enter Saudi Arabia; proudly announces executive partnership

(Toronto) - Solamon Energy Corp., a company currently developing utility-scale solar arrays across the Sunbelt, is happy to announce a new business partnership, effective immediately, with Albab Global Connections for the exclusive representation of its Apollo Acre™ product in Saudi Arabia and Jordan. Albab was established late in 2009 by its founder and CEO Alaa Fathaddin, whose services are offered for Canadian companies with a desire to expand or sell their products or services to the MENA region, he explains.

As stated, Solamon intends to commission the largest solar power plants in the Caribbean, Central America and Asia, and recently added SVP Mazen Breiche "to include the Mediterranean to this rapidly expanding list," continues Solamon CEO Graeme Boyce. "Personally I hope we can divide the sea into two unique territories: Mediterranean South and Mediterranean East, and begin work on two great projects ," he adds, "while of course simultaneously delivering systems to private clients across the Middle Eastern territories."

Boyce, along with Solamon SVP Thijs Boonen, recently returned from Sri Lanka after meeting and discussing solar energy with the nation's visionary and influential leadership last month, and expect to visit North Africa shortly. "The opportunities presenting themselves nowadays are simply vast," says Boyce, "and I'm extremely confidant that Aladdin and Momen will deliver very soon from within their respective territories."

Saudi Arabia is mostly covered today by the Arabian Desert, representing more than one million square miles of ideal space for solar power plants, adds Boyce. The King of Saudi Arabia, Abdullah Bin Abdulaziz, recently announced a plan to increase the use of energy from renewable sources and established the King Abdullah City for Atomic and Renewable Energy, a 'city' designed to meet the country's growing energy needs and reduce its dependence on fossil fuels.

"I'm meeting many wonderfully like-minded people around the world these days who each share a passion to integrate solar into their country's energy mix, and truly deliver a substantial impact on behalf of their grandchildren's children, if not ever-lasting, by significantly reducing the reliance on fossil fuel to generate their electricity," Boyce concludes. "It is really no different for any person anywhere in the world today, whether operating a business or a home: they need to enjoy a reliable source of energy - and you can't say the sun is not reliable."

Solamon Energy typically offers a ground-mounted solar array of integrated photovoltaic cells over a package of land called the Apollo Acre™. The company now also designs and installs custom solutions with local partners to provide roof-mounted and parking lot systems that are easily augmented by micro wind turbine technology and other innovative features.

About Solamon: Solamon Energy Corp. sells integrated arrays of ground-mounted and rooftop photovoltaic cells. These solar power plants are connected by cable to varied transmission equipment, including converters, inverters and batteries, utilizing 5 acres of land per unit; each unit is called an Apollo Acre™. Additionally, it is expected the company's business activities will spin-off many jobs locally, given engineering requirements, construction, unit commissioning and subsequent maintenance.


Tags: energy, news, solar

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Christian Giles
Press Contact, Solamon Energy Corp.