Solar Generator Providing Free Electricity Eliminates the Need for Gas Generators in a Time of Emergency
Online, February 9, 2010 ( - For the majority of Americans the subject of electricity elicits very little thought, it's about as engaging as the air we breathe or the water we drink. In essence, it's just another necessity that most people have taken for granted, something we only take notice of when we don't have it. More often than not those flashes of realization are hidden throughout the day but become lost because we never encounter a full-scale emergency.
You may walk into a coffee shop with the intention of working on your laptop only to realize all the outlets have already been taken. Of course you can operate on your battery for a couple hours but when that time has elapsed you're left with a computer that can't function because you have no source of electricity. The same can be said for your cell phone. Think about how many times you have had to ration your calls because you know the battery is dying and you can't recharge the phone.
We've all probably encountered these situations or something similar and at no time did we question whether electricity actually existed, we simply knew it wasn't available to us at that moment. This realization makes it easy to forget about the inconvenience because we know that it's temporary.
But what if it's not? What if you're not at a coffee shop or a cafe but at your home and the temporary inconvenience is much more serious, something that lasts days? Ask anybody who has ever endured a severe hurricane, tornado or ice storm and they'll tell you that the likelihood of such a scenario is very real.
So how prepared are you? Are you ready to go several days without your phone, computer, television, heat, refrigerator, etc?
In the past the answer to this predicament was a gas generator, a temporary fix to a temporary problem. Because there was no real option the gas generator became the obvious solution despite its obvious drawbacks. Everybody wanted to keep their phones charged, their computers and televisions on, the air conditioning or heat running and the food fresh in the fridge so they overlooked the generator's loud noise, toxic fumes and constant need for fuel.
As they say, necessity is the mother of invention and it became necessary to find an alternative source of electricity that eliminated the drawbacks of the gas generator. This is where has stepped in, offering a very real solution to not only temporary power outages but extended outages as well.
This solution is the solar powered generator, an emergency backup system that provides free electricity on demand. The electricity produced by the solar generator is the result of the solar panels converting the sun's rays into energy and storing this energy in a cell. Whenever electricity is needed you can just plug in your appliances directly to the portable generator and you have power.
The great benefit of the solar powered generator is in the fact that it can charge even while in use, meaning that supply of power is constant. You don't have to worry about running down to the gas station to fuel your generator it's as simple as setting up your panel to draw energy from the sun.
In addition to the free and constant electricity provided by the solar generator, the emergency backup system is also portable, making it easy to not only move inside the house but also pack and take in the car in the event you have to leave your home. Because there is no reliance on fuel the solar generator emits no fumes and with no moving parts it makes no noise, two of the biggest problems tied to a gas generator.
A solar generator from MySolarBackUp not only provides a sense of security in the time of need but also a sense of normalcy during a difficult time.
There really are a tremendous number of benefits related to the solar powered generator and for more information about how this solution to your electricity needs can work for you go
Tags: Solar Generator, Solar Generator Kits, Solar Panel Kits, Solar Power Generator