Sometimes Less is More - ASCOMP Releases Windows Software PDF-Compress for Compressing PDF Files

LEONBERG, Germany, March 22, 2022 ( - Anyone who sends lots of PDFs is familiar with this problem: The document is compiled for transmission and the e-mail is written, but suddenly it says "The attachment is too large and cannot be sent."
Compressing a PDF file can be a time-consuming and cost-intensive task. Well, not anymore, thanks to the new Windows software from ASCOMP Software, Germany. PDF-compress enables private users and companies to easily reduce the size of large PDF files so they can pass them on conveniently without losing any quality.
PDF-compress makes compressing a breeze
Whether you are working with a presentation, magazine, or product catalog, PDF-compress offers a fast, easy, and reliable way to compress your PDF files. Thanks to an intuitive program interface and a number of useful tools, no prior knowledge is required to optimize a wide range of PDF files so they don't take up any more storage space than is absolutely necessary.
Depending on the structure and content of the files, the result can be just a fraction of the original file size. For this purpose, the software uses various approaches. For example, images contained in the document can be compressed without reducing the quality using a special optimization technology (MRC), and blank pages and annotations can be removed from the PDF structure. As an option, the image quality can be reduced at several stages and an optimization for the display on the web can be carried out.
"PDF is a format that is as widely used as it is universally applicable. The 'right' size depends on the intended use. With PDF-compress, PDFs can be easily optimized and compressed so that they fulfill their respective purpose," says Andreas Stroebel, Managing Director of ASCOMP Software.
With PDF-compress, the software manufacturer publishes a simple, elegant, and holistic solution for compressing PDF files - thus, making it possible to share, send, and upload files reliably that were previously too large.
The software supports all common Microsoft operating systems from Windows 7 and can be downloaded from as a 14-day trial version. The paid version (24.90 USD) can be used indefinitely and also includes technical support.
Source: ASCOMP Software
Tags: ascomp, compress, compression, pdf, pdf size, pdfcompress, reduce, software