SonoAsh Engineered Materials is Recognized Again as a Leader in Environmental Profitability

SonoAsh obtains its Second Solar Impulse Label


SonoAsh Engineered Materials Ltd. (SonoAsh) is pleased to announce it has successfully completed the Solar Impulse Foundation (SIF) label update program and has obtained a second label in June 2023. 

SonoAsh was first awarded the label in April 2020. The Solar Impulse Foundation created the label with a goal of bringing together global actors involved in developing, financing or promoting products, services, processes and technologies that protect the environment in a profitable way by adhering to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The SonoAsh process is recognized as consistent with SDG 12 - Responsible Consumption and Production. 

"We are proud to obtain our second Solar Impulse Efficient Solution Label. This further solidifies SonoAsh as a globally recognized engineering technology process with a positive impact on the environment," said Bruce Sifton, President of SonoAsh. "SonoAsh's patented technology processes coal ash impoundments to engineer a matrix of products that can lower greenhouse gas emissions in the cement industry and capture valuable minerals in the coal ash."

Companies applying to the label must go through a third-party neutral and certified methodology embodied in three themes: feasibility, environmental impact, and profitability. SonoAsh's patented technology and waste-to-value mandate excelled in all three categories. 

The cement industry accounts for roughly 8% of the world's greenhouse gas emissions. One tonne of produced cement equals one tonne of CO2 in our atmosphere. By using the SonoAsh engineered material in cement-ready mix formulas, producers can displace up to 40% of the mix with a superior, uniform particle size, low-carbon alternative that reduces industry emissions by an equal amount. 

SonoAsh also utilizes coal ash impoundments as an above-ground ore body. SonoAsh's patented low-frequency, sonochemical technology can liberate rare and strategic metals and minerals from the coal ash that are essential to modern-day innovation and the green economy such as solar panels, wind turbines, smartphones, and electric cars.  

Source: SonoAsh


Tags: coal ash, Critical minerals, environment

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SonoAsh is a process technology company that enables decarbonized next generation infrastructure.