Sorensons Ranch School assists teens in need

KOOSHAREM, UT- Sorenson's Ranch School helps troubled teens through struggling times. Sorenson's Ranch is a unique environment for troubled youth.

Troubled youth and troubled teens often find themselves detached from their families. In many cases family members do not know what to do in order to correct the issues that they are having with their children. Many families need help for their children in 3 areas. The 3 areas are behavioral, education, and therapeutic.

Behavioral issues many times require a structured, disciplined environment to assist the troubled teen. There are many people that believe a Ranch style setting is an excellent location to have a structured, disciplined environment.

Education is also a problem with many struggling teens. In many cases they have fallen behind in school and do not know what to do or do not have the desire to catch back up.

The therapeutic involvement in a troubled teens life is crucial. There are many therapeutic activities that can help teens. These activities can include: group therapy, individual therapy, positive peer groups, equine therapy and many more.

Sorenson's Ranch School is a second generation family owned residential treatment center that specializes in providing students with excellent therapy, education and behavior modification. Sorenson's Ranch is an excellent alternative to a boot camp or wilderness therapy program.
The Sorenson's Ranch School ethos has been proven to be highly effective - over the years many of our past troubled teens have returned to visit the ranch. They fondly remember their happy experience on camp as it formed a positive foundation that helps them to face with confidence any difficult situations in their adult life.
Visit Sorenson's Ranch School for more information or call the admissions office at 1-800-455-4590.


Tags: School for Troubled Teens, Sorensons Ranch School, Therapeutic Boarding School, Troubled Teens, troubled youth

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Layne Bagley
Press Contact, Sorenson's Ranch School