SOS Online Backup Named Editors' Choice By PC Magazine For The Third Consecutive Time.

Touted for its abundance of useful features, file sharing and clear, friendly interface

SOS Online Backup, the technology leader in online backup, announced today that it has been named Editors' Choice by PC Magazine for the third time in a row since 2006, beating out online backup candidates such as Carbonite 4 and Mozy 2.0. SOS has been hailed for its flexibility to backup multiple PCs, external as well as network drives, file-sharing capabilities, and its robust cloud storage security. SOS Online Backup allows users the flexibility and power to create a personalized backup, and access them via the web or the SOS iPhone app or Blackberry app. The review can be read here:,2817,2371307,00.asp?tab=FullReview

Using SOS, customers can backup any data, any time, to a variety of destinations. Users can back up important files to the SOS global storage grid at any defined time interval. With the new SoSimple file select feature, the SOS application can locate files that are commonly desired for backing up. Users can also engage LiveProtect™ to have SOS watch their files and provide continuous real-time data protection. Once a customer saves a file, SOS backs it up offsite automatically and keeps an unlimited history of versions that allows users to roll-back to any previous backup. Now, leading the way once again, SOS backs up and restores data from Blackberry® and iPhones ® with its new mobile applications.

"SOS Online Backup is thrilled to be named Editors' Choice by PC Magazine for the third time in a row," said Ken Shaw, Chief Executive Officer of SOS Online Backup. "This is a reaffirmation of SOS's ability to deliver not only the best online backup technology, but also the most flexible and personalized online backup solution that secures, and protects our customers' valuable data.

Distinguishing features of SOS Online Backup include:
• Flexible Scheduling - SOS allows users to schedule backups that best fit their needs, whether it's monthly, weekly, daily, hourly or instantly - without impacting system performance.
• One Click File & Folder Sharing - From inside the SOS MyAccount portal, users can share files, photos and videos with anyone with an email address.
• Global Access - Data is backed-up daily to the SOS Backup Server Grid, allowing users to access data anywhere in the world using a web-browser or the SOS iPhone app or Blackberry app.
• Continuous Data Protection - Users can engage Live Protect™ to have SOS backup files as soon as a change is detected.
• SoSimple File Select - Automatically identifies and backs up files based upon user-defined file type, such as music, movies or photos.
• Local Backup. SOS allows users to back up their entire computer to an external drive, network drive or USB.
• iPhone and Blackberry. With SOS, users can access any files anytime -from anywhere using their mobile device.
• Enhanced Security & Privacy - SOS uses a three-tiered encryption system which encrypts data on the user's computer, again in transit and finally when at rest in storage.
• Enterprise Compression & Transfer Systems - SOS backs up new and changed files only, significantly reducing backup and performance degradation. SOS also bundles built-in open file backup and resumable transfer.
• Unlimited Versioning & Archiving - SOS keeps every version of every protected file until the user deletes it, unlike many other online backup platforms that delete the file from the cloud, if deleted from the user's machine.

For more information or to download SOS Online Backup, please visit


Tags: backup online, data backup, online backup, online backup software, remote backup, resell backup

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John Solomon
Press Contact, SOS Online Backup
SOS Online Backup
19750 S. Vermont Ave. Suite 150
Torrance, CA 90502