Spatial Touch to Your Business Analysis

DataAssist's Spatial Module makes representation of data visual with maps and charts

May 31, 2010 | Woodmead, Sandton: Technologies have advanced over time and so have the complexities associated with them. Innovations in business intelligence are trying to quest the data reporting and analytical thirst of organisations but have not been too successful yet. Addressing these concerns EDGE Evolve, a leading provider of business intelligence (BI) software, has launched its latest product -- the DataAssist Spatial Module, to bring relief to data critical businesses.

Traditional BI technology reporting and analytical methods fall short of delivering spatial insight. It stores large volumes of raw organizational data, in a common data warehouse but does not allow the user to interpret the data through reporting. On the other hand GIS technologies have the strength of storing and displaying spatial data. A combination of the two technologies allows the user to make full use of visual tools to aid the user in decision making. DataAssist Spatial Module does just that! It takes advantage of this easy integration and provides the user with an ease-of-use user-friendly interface.

The DataAssist Spatial Module application is an innovative business analysis and decision support application that uses geographical maps as the basis of representing business critical data. Its suite of visualization, analysis, printing and reporting tools helps companies enhance their investment by combining mission critical business, demographic, lifestyle and financial data. Customers across multiple industries can now effectively synthesize detailed data into information and present this content in an understandable manner with DataAssist Spatial module. The solution picks up from where indigenous systems fail combining a lot of processes and modules making it a one-stop-solution for all businesses. The cost effective solution reduces the overall TCO associated with deploying Business Intelligence reporting applications, while ensuring that these applications can continue to grow as business requirements change.

The modules' simple interface enables the user to access spatial data and join the data to other non-spatial datasets and display the result on a map, cube and chart. The cube in DataAssist Spatial Module has a 'pivot' option that allows data to be viewed in different dimensions. The product has interlinked cubes and graph capabilities which link GIS data to the cube and chart. As the data automatically synchronizes when updated it allows the simple upkeep of graphs. The filtering tools allow the user to extract data to allow precise reports. Furthermore spatial data can be displayed using a variety of options. Thematic mapping can be done using numeric ranges, text values or adding charts to your map. Labels, images and outlines can also be used to symbolize the data or to highlight areas of importance.

However one of the most innovative and challenging functionality of DataAssist Spatial Module is the ability to interlink and connect to multiple data resources. It allows the user to connect and draw reports from MS SQL and DB2 relational databases. Data from different data sources can be loaded, used and compared together using the cubes, charts and map options. The solution also enables the user to view, edit, sort and extract grids for tabular representation of data. It can then interlink these different tables from various data sources together to combine data for using in complex queries and reports. Agile and flexible with ingenious reporting structures making it a favorite among all genres of companies. All the business users get the power to define ad hoc reports through predefined user profiles. It becomes easy to report on and analyze data to efficiently manage personnel objectives across key indicators. It also helps in analyzing sales and marketing performance through sales and asset investment, market penetration and customer retention. Reports can be generated from a central repository eliminating chances of any mistake. Also it provides for enterprise wide spatial access that enables all stakeholders to use spatial data without any additional software. The system is independent of the data. It is adoptable according to your current and existing database or future data that might be added to the existing database or new database.

With DataAssist BI, all the business users right from managers, expert report writers, system administrators to the operational staff, get the power to define ad hoc reports through predefined user profiles. Adding to the above functionalities Manny Moreira, CEO, Edge Evolve chips in, "DataAssist's suite of visualization, analysis and reporting components helps companies leverage their investments by combining business demographic, lifestyle and financial data. The solution facilitates informed decision making through its intuitive GUI. The solution's user-friendliness enhances productivity, while freeing up IT resources for more critical work."

As a result of the acquisitions of Cognos by IBM and Hyperion by Oracle and Business Objects by SAP, customers of these BI vendors have concerns about ongoing product support, product direction, and migration efforts. EDGE Evolve provides a license replacement program for them to ease their concerns and avoid the turmoil of the transition and migration that is resulting from the acquisitions of these vendors. This replacement program, applicable only in Africa and India, is intended to ease the adoption of Edge Evolve's DataAssist, lowering or eliminating the acquisition cost of DataAssist licenses. The DataAssist's License Replacement offer is valid till 31st July 2010 only.

EDGE Evolve also follows a successful Value Added Reseller (VAR) program which helps you reach new customers and grow your business by bundling DataAssist with your current offerings. This allows you to add value to your customers and business growth becoming his undisputable service provider. As a VAR you can add extensive reporting features to their existing products and integrating EDGE Evolve solutions with various other product sets and provide a complete turn- key solution. You can increase you customers' service and operational efficiency at the same time being offering cost saving and replacement strategies to him which opens new market segments. This will also add new opportunities for recurring revenue streams with your clients and they will keep coming back to you for more. The strategic partnership formed with EDGE Evolve and their distributors inherently brings the VAR more business. The program will enable you to partner with many other vendors, helping the client when deciding which solution is truly best for their unique environment rather than using each vendor who believes their solution is best when it may not be the case. Multiply your business benefits by leaps and bounds and keep competition at bay. Become a VAR today. To join write to us at [email protected], visit us at or call (+27 11)802 0919 to know more

About Edge Evolve:
Edge Evolve is a leading provider of business intelligence (BI) software. It provides and manages ICT solutions that help clients achieve their business goals. Evolve strives for excellence, value and innovation in service and product delivery to their clients. Edge has distinguished itself as a worthy partner with the prerequisite industry-specific expertise and experience supplying a variety of services to customers. It provides services in three verticals, namely Business Consulting Services, IT Consulting & Integration Services and Software Integration.


Tags: BusinessIntelligence, DataAssist, Software

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Manny Moreira
Press Contact, Edge Evolve
Edge Evolve
2nd Floor, Uplands 14
The Woodlands Office Park, Woodmead, Sandton