Spectrm State of Social Conversational Commerce 2023 Report Finds Consumers Spend More With Brands That Communicate on Messaging Apps

State of Social Conversational Commerce

Spectrm, the conversational marketing platform businesses use to automate one-to-one conversations with consumers on messaging channels, has released the findings from their "State of Social Conversational Commerce 2023." 

The report surveyed 1,000 consumers from around the world with the purpose of better understanding their experiences messaging with brands on Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp. It investigated if messaging led to them purchasing a product, their thoughts on privacy and data collection, and more. 

Commenting on the findings, Max Koziolek, CEO of Spectrm, said: "As we uncovered in last year's 'State of Social Conversational Commerce' report, customers are excited and eager to message with brands on the private apps where they already spend their time, such as MessengerInstagram DMs, or WhatsApp. This year's finding showed messaging is even more important. 86% say their messaging experiences positively impacted their perception of the company and 82% reported making a purchase after messaging with a brand. As marketing leaders are challenged to do more with less in 2023, messaging is emerging as a key retention channel to increase customer lifetime value."

Key Findings Include: 

  • 78% of respondents have messaged a brand through Facebook Messenger, Instagram, or WhatsApp
  • 86% say those messaging experiences positively impacted their perception of the company
  • 82% of respondents made a purchase after messaging with a brand
  • 38% of respondents had a negative experience when messaging with a brand because the response rate was too slow — 77% say it caused them to not purchase from that company
  • 56% don't care if they message with a bot or a human, so long as they get what they need
  • 88% said that they would communicate their preferences in a privacy-safe way directly to a brand in order to receive a more personalized experience
  • 64% say messaging is the way they prefer to engage with brands

To download a full copy of the report, please visit: https://spectrm.io/resources/state-of-social-conversational-commerce-2023/

About Spectrm 

Spectrm is the no-code conversational marketing automation platform for brands to convert customers on messaging channels. Spectrm chatbot analytics, marketing automation solutions and conversational AI make it easy to personalize customer experiences at scale.

Source: Spectrm


Tags: conversational AI, conversational commerce, conversational marketing