Spelling for Bees Kicks off DC Showcase Series
Online, December 4, 2009 (Newswire.com) - Spelling for Bees is swarming together for the first in a series of showcase events in and around Washington DC. Who are Spelling for Bees, you ask? The brightest talents on the DC indie scene right now, together to work and play and make musical honey.
This project has come to fruition over the course of the last several months, and it has effectively brought together some of the most diverse and eclectic musicians in DC. Spelling for Bees itself is the fabric by which they come together, for showcases such as this, as well as residency nights once a month, hosted at the Velvet Lounge.
The Showcase events tout members, aka Bees, performing with their original bands, often mixing it up with other Bees during their sets. Fans of indie get the opportunity to see something amazing taking shape, as the Showcase events will aim to culminate in the grand vision of Bees founder Dave Mann with the help of the hive: the entire Bees ensemble together for one evening of pure indie rock symphony! Details will be released as they become available.
This first Bees Showcase lineup will provide a buzzing array of style and approach...From the dynamism of Dangerosa's Simpsons coupled vocals to Bowie-esque Charlottesville rockers Red Satellites; The uniqueness of Hemerlein's self-described Chinese Pop sounds to the folksy, well-rounded World's Fair.
Washington music media is turning on to this amalgam of local area talent, an ensemble of musicians brought together for grandly fine music. Check out Spelling for Bees residency night coverage here:
Doors will open at 9 p.m. Tickets are $10 each and are on sale now.
Tags: dc music, live show, spelling for bees