Spiritual Teacher and Eternal Truth Seeker Elizabeth April Launches Her First Book 'You're Not Dying You're Just Waking Up'

WEST HOLLYWOOD, Calif., April 1, 2021 (Newswire.com) - Elizabeth April, a cosmic channeler, public speaker, spiritual influencer and celebrated artist, proudly announces that her first book "You're Not Dying You're Just Waking Up" will be up for sale via Amazon starting on April 1. Having experienced the vibrational frequencies of truth, April has dedicated her life to spreading the same and teaching others the techniques to get there. Her new book is available now on Amazon in print and Kindle.
Elizabeth April's spiritual self-help guide "You're Not Dying You're Just Waking Up" is a part of her efforts to change people's lives by awakening and uplifting the world. Within her book, she takes readers on a journey through all the stages of what individuals experience throughout their awakening. She strongly believes that the book will provide readers the knowledge they need to stay empowered throughout their evolutionary shift from the 3rd dimension frequency into the 5th dimension and beyond.
"It's time to strap in and hold on tight because this is not your average text. It's your soul's reminder of how powerful you are, and of how much you already know. Stop living your life in safety and stagnation. Stop making choices through obligation and attachment. Step up, live your life to the fullest," April said.
Born and raised in a Catholic family, Elizabeth April grew up with extrasensory abilities. As a child, she could see ghosts and spirits, energies and auras, and feel other people's thoughts and emotions. At a very tender age, she developed a deep understanding of how vibrational frequencies affect human beings. At the age of 16, she started questioning everything in her physical reality. She was consciously abducted by aliens at the age of 18, and this, no doubt, turned out to be a life-changing event in her life.
Since then, the mission of Elizabeth April's life has been to help others in awakening themselves to infinite possibilities. After starting her career as a past life regressionist and channeler back in 2010, she has achieved a plethora of noteworthy accomplishments at only the age of 28. As a distinguished public speaker, she travels around the world speaking on numerous stages per year. She has been interviewed several times by different mainstream networks including Bustle, Vice and Gaia TV.
To find out more about Elizabeth April's new book, please visit https://www.elizabethapril.com/book.
About the Author
Elizabeth April is a cosmic channeler, public speaker, spiritual influencer and celebrated artist. She has experienced the vibrational frequencies of truth and does the necessary karma of spreading it. As a spiritual mentor, she helps individuals understand the concept of cosmic identity, space, and time.
Contact: Elizabeth April
Additional Information:
- Media Kit: Media Kit
- Additional Links of Interest: linktr.ee/elizabeth.april
- Website: https://www.elizabethapril.com
- Email: expand@elizabethapril.com
- Phone Number: 1-833-553-1900
- Address: 8424 A Santa Monica Blvd # 529, West Hollywood, CA 90069
Source: Elizabeth April
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