Spiritual Teacher Petey Silveira of New Pathway To Healing Launches New Telecourse

Author, therapist, past-life regression expert, spiritual teacher, and founder of New Pathway To Healing Petey Silveira will launch a new 12-week telecourse titled "Guided by the Truth: Honoring the Light Within" on April 14.

Author, therapist, past-life regression expert, spiritual teacher, and founder of New Pathway To Healing Petey Silveira will launch a new 12-week telecourse titled "Guided by the Truth: Honoring the Light Within" on April 14. Through meditation, Petey was guided to develop a telecourse on soul work where she will be the spiritual teacher on this journey.

"My spiritual guides have given me extensive information on what happens when you transition to the other side, and it is my purpose in life to share this knowledge and experience with other souls on their path to peacefulness," explains Petey. "Many of the questions I receive through private practice and at workshops about what happens when you die will be answered during this telecourse."

Every Thursday morning from April 14 through July 7, participants will be the first to receive a chapter via email from her e-book, "Guided by the Truth: Honoring the Light Within," to be published online at a future date. Four chapters are written, and Petey will write the remaining eight chapters as they take this journey together. Each chapter has homework to be completed before the next week. The first four chapter titles which act as a guide to that week's course include "What is the Light," "What is Your Life Script," "What is the Meaning of the Body, Mind and Soul," and "How You Can Access Your Life Lessons." In addition, Petey will host three one-hour webinars open for Question & Answer on May 11, June 15, and July 13 at 1 p.m. EST. All webinars will be recorded and available for download if you can't make it.

Petey Silveira transforms lives through coaching sessions, therapy, and her spiritual writings. With more than 25 years of experience as a marriage and family therapist in private practice, Petey's experience working with people in various stages of grief, depression, and hopelessness allows her to easily transition people from the depths of despair to peace and happiness in their lives. Petey's personality, wit, and expertise on past-life regression are seen as she interviews guests on New Pathway To Healing blogtalkradio show, leads past-life regression workshops, and hosts telecourses on connecting with spirit. You can read her daily inspirational musings and healing messages through her blog, Facebook fanpage, tweets, and on newpathwaytohealing.com.


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