SponsorPay is European Market Leader

Berlin start-up positions itself as leading provider of advertisement-based payment systems in online games

Berlin, 13 January 2010: Berlin-based SponsorPay GmbH has a clear-cut objective for 2010. It has taken the company less than a year to establish itself as the leading European provider of advertisement-based payment systems in online gaming. The aim is to expand this lead in the coming twelve months, by achieving a five-fold increase in the number of applications and advertising partners and pressing ahead with the company's ongoing internationalization.

In the spring of 2009 entrepreneur Jan Beckers, analyst Janis Zech and Team Europe Ventures, headed by investor Lukasz Gadowski, developed the business idea behind SponsorPay GmbH. In a period of two months, they assembled a small, powerful team and programmed the initial version of the monetization platform which came on line in August 2009. September saw the official launch of the internationally oriented, advertising-based payment system. "Since then, SponsorPay has expanded continuously", as Jan Beckers, now SponsorPay's Director & Head of Publisher Relations, sums it up. "Meanwhile, our staff has grown to 35, our services are available in localized versions in virtually every European country as well as overseas, and we are working with more than 100 applications and a four-figure number of advertising partners."

In 2010, the Berlin-based company will continue to build on the pillars of its success. Advertising partners are subjected to continuous, scrutinizing quality control, ensuring that hidden subscriptions or advertising resulting in spam have no chance of ever reaching the end user. This guarantees publishers a lasting monetization channel. SponsorPay also expects to see the company's already extensive internationalization to yield a massive return this year. "Today our fully localized services are already available in 22 different countries, which puts us leagues ahead of our competitors", Jan Beckers explains. "These versions are coordinated by our native-language Country Managers, who not only have a firm grip on the respective language but, first and foremost, know the local markets well."

About SponsorPay
SponsorPay GmbH (www.sponsorpay.com) was established in April 2009 by Team Europe Ventures, Jan Beckers and Janis Zech. Based in the heart of Berlin, the company currently employs a staff of 35. Andreas Bodczek joined the team as CEO in late August. SponsorPay's innovative payment system gives online gamers free access to premium content such as virtual currencies and items. In the next step, the monetization platform will be expanded to other industries. Today, SponsorPay serves more than 20 countries with fully localized versions of its payment system. Through its cooperation partners SponsorPay reaches some 20 million active users in Europe alone.

SponsorPay GmbH
Jan Beckers
Linienstraße 139
10115 Berlin
Tel. +49/30/20 21 56 61 0
Fax. +49/30/20 21 56 615 5
[email protected]


Tags: games market, monetarisation, online payment system, Online-Games

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