Spray-Tek Joins Fragrance Creators Association, Strengthening Industry Collaboration for Innovation and Sustainability

The Fragrance Creators Association (FCA) proudly announces that Spray-Tek, a leading expert of contract spray drying services and delivery system technologies has joined its membership.

Spray-Tek, established in 1981, has been at the forefront of delivering advanced spray drying solutions as well as innovative delivery system technologies across a wide range of industries, including fragrances, cosmetics, personal and home care and more. With Good Manufacturing Practices-certified facilities and cutting-edge technology, Spray-Tek is recognized for its dedication to quality and custom-tailored solutions.

"We are excited to welcome Spray-Tek to FCA," said Farah K. Ahmed, President & CEO of FCA. "Spray-Tek's expertise and dedication to advancing innovative and sustainable solutions make them a valuable addition to our membership."

"Joining FCA is an important step for Spray-Tek" said Joe Castellano, Chief Commercial Officer at Spray-Tek. "We are proud to align with FCA's efforts to drive responsible practices like the use of cutting-edge biodegradable technologies within the fragrance industry. By joining FCA, we look forward to driving innovation and promoting strong collaboration across the value chain."

Spray-Tek's membership highlights FCA's role in uniting diverse companies to develop science-based policies and practices that foster creativity, innovation, and sustainability along the fragrance value chain.

For more information about FCA and its initiatives, please visit www.fragrancecreators.org. To learn more about Spray-Tek visit: spray-tek.com.

For media inquiries or further information, please contact:

E. Janset Batibay
Fragrance Creators Association

About Fragrance Creators Association:

Fragrance Creators Association is the trade association representing the majority of fragrance manufacturing in North America. We also represent fragrance-related interests along the value chain. Fragrance Creators' member companies are diverse, including large, medium, and small sized companies that create, manufacture, and use fragrances and scents for home care, personal care, home design, fine fragrance, and industrial and institutional products, as well as those that supply fragrance ingredients, including natural extracts and other raw materials that are used in perfumery and fragrance mixtures. Fragrance Creators established and administers the Congressional Fragrance Caucus, ensuring ongoing dialogue with members of Congress and staff. Fragrance Creators also produces The Fragrance Conservatory, the comprehensive digital resource for high-quality information about fragrance-www.fragranceconservatory.com. Learn more about Fragrance Creators at fragrancecreators.org-for people, perfume, and the planet.

Contact Information

E. Janset Batibay

Source: Fragrance Creators Association


Tags: FCA, Fragrance, FragranceCreatorsAssociation

About Fragrance Creators Association

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Fragrance Creators Association is the principal trade association representing the fragrance industry.