Spread The Word - April Is Financial Literacy Month In California
Online, March 26, 2011 (Newswire.com) - We are all faced with making financial decisions on a daily basis. Many of these decisions will not significantly affect our long-term well being. However, when it comes to divorce, the financial decisions that are made will likely affect us for a period of many years, if not the rest of our lives.
California is promoting a in a state-wide public awareness effort and is encouraging businesses and other organizations to work together to educate the community regarding management of their personal finances. In support of this initiative, California Divorce Financial Planning is offering a free workshop for couples and individuals contemplating divorce.
"During a divorce each party is faced with making difficult financial decisions" says Cohen. These decisions must be made at a time when typically each spouse is faced with fears about money, loss of control and desire to seek revenge. These behaviors often get in the way of one or both parties' ability to work toward a cost effective, fair and workable settlement.
The workshop offers practical financial advice on topics that include:
• How to take more control of your divorce
• Divorce process options
• Gathering the financial data and records you will need
• Community and separate property issues
• Should you keep or sell the family home
• Common financial mistakes made with retirement plans
• Financial and tax issues related to child support and alimony/spousal support
• Splitting credit cards and other debt
• Managing your budget and finances post-divorce
• Understanding your options for dividing property
• Planning for your financial future
Most of us recognize the importance of financial literacy when it comes to our daily lives and making prudent financial decisions during a divorce is even more crucial. California Divorce Financial Planning continues its commitment to provide education and resources to those facing divorce to help them make decisions that can lead to a more financially secure transition into their post-divorce life.
Jerry Cohen is the owner of California Divorce Financial Planning whose mission is to help divorcing couples and individuals facilitate fair and workable financial settlements. This is done by providing the information and knowledge to help clients arrive at prudent financial decisions. If you would like to learn more contact Jerry at [email protected].
Tags: divorce, divorce financial planning, family law