Squish Central Test Automation Management Beta Launched

froglogic GmbH today announced a beta program for its new Squish Central product. Squish Central is a web based, cross-platform, and distributed test automation management solution that includes built-in integration for automated Squish GUI tests.

froglogic is the vendor of Squish, the market leading cross-platform and cross-technology GUI test automation tool. Squish is designed for creating, executing, and maintaining automated functional GUI tests on a variety of platforms and GUI technologies. While Squish focuses on functional GUI testing, the high-level management of automated test executions across machines and platforms, and the management of reports produced by automated tests, has been handled by Squish integration plugins for a variety of Test Management, Application Life-Cycle Management (ALM), and Continuous Integration (CI) tools. This has allowed Squish customers to easily manage and run Squish tests using third-party solutions.

"While Squish's integration plugins into third-party test management tools are a great fit for customers who already use and employ these solutions, many of our customers expressed the desire for a complete all in one solution from froglogic. In response to this demand, we have created a test automation management solution with tight Squish integration that is easy to set up and use."-Reginald Stadlbauer, froglogic's CEO.

"The first version of Squish Central focuses on the management of automated tests, and in particular, running tests both on-demand and according to a user-specified schedule, with the tests executed on a chosen set of machines, and with the results analyzed and presented in a variety of ways. Future plans include integrations with bug tracking tools, requirements engineering, custom test types (unit tests, etc.), and more."-Harri Porten, froglogic's CTO.

"The new Squish Central product is aimed at froglogic customers who don't have automation management solutions or who use ad hoc systems (such as hand-written scripts) to run their regression tests. For these users Squish Central will bring major improvements to their test automation campaigns. froglogic will, of course, continue to support the Squish integrations for third-party party test management, ALM and CI tools to meet the needs of those customers who use them."-Roberto Maisl, froglogic's Squish Central Product Manager.

Today, froglogic begins the Squish Central beta program. To participate, please complete the form at http://survey.froglogic.com/squishcentralbetaprogram (which should take about 3 minutes).

On October 12, 2011, froglogic will hold a live public webinar explaining more about Squish Central and showing a live demo of the tool. To register for the webinar, please visit https://www2.gotomeeting.com/register/984742578.

For more information or any questions, please contact [email protected].


Tags: quality assurance, Software Tools, test automation

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Reginald Stadlbauer
Press Contact, froglogic GmbH
froglogic GmbH
Gasstr. 18, Haus 1
Hamburg, Germany