St John the Baptist Traditional Catholic Church's Use of Online Media Expands Interest in Latin Mass
Online, September 17, 2011 ( - St John the Baptist Catholic Church, having received much attention from its new location and beautiful building in Louisville, KY, is pleased to announce its participation in online social media to facilitate news about the traditional Catholic Mass and Faith to its visitors and community members. With many interested visitors having come to see the beautiful new Church in the Portland community of Louisville, Fr Anthony Leonardo has expressed his intention to allow outsiders a look into the inner life of the church by participating in Facebook and Twitter, along with the continuation of its current blog at . The church with its cathedral-vaulted ceilings and beautiful stained-glass windows has become a big draw, even from non-Catholics and those who do not hold traditional Catholic doctrine. The church, which is still being renovated, is the current home to the community that spent several years in Brooks, KY before it outgrew the facility. With members of other churches including the "Old Catholic" Church (which broke with the Roman Catholic Church after Vatican I in 1870), the Lutheran Church, other denominations, and fellow Catholics from other communities coming to see the building, Father Leonardo, the Pastor of the church, has found social media and the internet very important to help the public know the particulars about the mission of the church.
Members of St John the Baptist Church come from as far as Illinois and Tennessee to worship as their forefathers did in the unadulterated Catholic Faith. Despite the antiquity and tradition the members hold to in order to fulfill their Catholic duties, the group has been open to the idea of using the internet to help those who have decided that the modernism of Vatican II has illicitly and fundamentally changed what was passed on by the Apostles. "These are difficult times to keep the Catholic Faith. We believe in legitimate authority established by Christ, but also in judging by Catholic standards also established by Christ. We hope our presence on the internet can help those who are seeking the Catholic Faith as it always was: the Religion that Jesus Christ gave us before He ascended into Heaven and confirmed for all time with the sending of the Holy Ghost on Pentecost," Father Leonardo commented.
The new avenues in social media will be used to relay information about parish news, social events, and the works of mercy the group has planned, along with beautiful pictures of the parish and sermons of Father Leonardo. Most importantly, the media will be used to publish Mass times, Confessions, and Holy Days of Obligation when there are special Mass and confession times, as well as note ceremonies such as Benediction and High Masses particular to feast days. The current times for Holy Mass are 10:00 AM and 5:00 PM on Sundays and 10:30 AM and 7:00 PM on Holy Days. Confessions are heard before Mass, with the 10:00 AM Mass being the main Mass. Soon, daily Mass and daily Rosary will be instituted as regular parish functions. Lectures and conferences will be given on important and relevant topics of our day for the benefit of members and non-members who wish to participate. Besides the new avenues of social networking being initiated, from Twitter to Youtube, the church also has a main phone and fax/recorded line that is now operational.
St John the Baptist Catholic Church continues to be the only local faith community that rejects both the liturgical and doctrinal changes of Vatican II in their entirety and without exception. Instead, the faithful subscribe to the doctrinal teachings and liturgical practices taught by the Catholic Church for 2000 years without any influence from Modernist sources like Vatican II. While there are other places where the traditional Latin Mass is offered in the Louisville area, they do not offer an exclusively traditional doctrinal teaching unaffected by the teachings of Vatican II. What differentiates St. John the Baptist Church from these other communities is its total fidelity to the Catholic Church's Tradition where the traditional Latin Mass is offered exclusively in context with unaltered (pre-Vatican II) Catholic teachings. The Tridentine Mass is not "mixed" with the novel ideas of Vatican II. Also, besides the Tridentine Mass, all of the other Sacraments and blessings provided at St. John the Baptist come from the traditional pre-Vatican II ritual books. The community welcomes visitors with a due respect for the ancient practices that have been given to the Catholic Church from the Apostles taught by Jesus Christ. Women are asked to cover their heads as taught by Saint Paul, and all visitors are asked to dress modestly, in keeping with being in God's presence at the Holy Sacrifice of Calvary.
A site http://www.LouisvilleKYTraditionalCatholicChurch. is currently set up to keep Catholics up to date on happenings and volunteer opportunities at St John the Baptist Church and in the local community. Group:
St John the Baptist Traditional Catholic Church, Louisville, KY handle: stjohncatholic
Tags: Louisville KY latin mass, louisville ky sedevacantism, louisville ky traditional cathol, louisville ky tridentine mass