Start 2010 with a look into the IT future
Online, January 15, 2010 ( - Start 2010 with a look into the IT future
-Enterprise IT changed for good in the Noughties, and as we pass through 2010 the pace is continuing. If anything the recession has increased the pressure to make business work more smoothly-
eWEEK Europe UK,, the online publication designed for the new era of IT, will be running its next webinar panel session on the theme of 'Moving Into the New Decade' on Tuesday 19th January, 2010.
Site editor, Peter Judge, has picked three core issues for any IT manager, and put together an expert panel to answer questions, raise issues, and get IT managers thinking about strategies for the start of the new decade. These
- Software: has Microsoft run out of ideas, and can open source seize the initiative?
- Mobility: If we finally cut the cords and do business anywhere, will we use iPhones, Androids or netbooks?
- Infrastructure: Will virtualisation change our data centres, or completely replace them with public clouds?
The webinar will be live, and eWEEK Europe UK welcomes attendee input. A recorded version can also be viewed after the event.
To join us on Jan 19, just register here
Notes to editors:
Launched in March 2009, eWEEK Europe UK (, is an online publication aimed at everyone interested in the impact that technology will have on the future of their business. It provides insight on sustainable IT to a rapidly growing audience that increasingly sees the issue as business-critical.
Already established in mainland Europe and the US, eWEEK provides a one-stop shop for advertisers and sponsors looking for innovative pan-European opportunities.
eWEEK Europe UK is published by NetMediaEurope, which was founded in July
2007 as a result of an MBO by senior VNU managers.
For further information and interviews, please contact:
Katrina Suppiah/Kate Alexander, Publicite
Tel: + 44 (0)20 8543 6582/+44 (0)20 8543 8481
Email: [email protected]/[email protected]
Tags: future of IT, IT, IT in the next decade