Startup Invents New Way to Fundraise by Solving 4 Problems and Developing Social Awareness

A socially conscious for-profit company, Meals On A Mission is where fundraising meets meal planning with a side of prizes, a side of cooking games and a tall glass of projects all serving the world.

Fundraising is commonly implemented by a concerned group of people who intend to pool a certain amount of money for a specific cause. When trying to raise funds, it is expected that a hint of creativity is incorporated into the idea so that more people are not only enticed to take a second look at the purpose of the organized activity, but also have fun while at doing their share.

"Meals On A Mission" is a new company developed to implement a new way to raise funds and ultimately change the world "one bite at a time". Advocating health and sustenance, the fundraising team sells a wholesome product that doesn't have to be shipped, boxed or delivered - and it is available immediately. The revolutionary product also does not expire and appeals to everyone's taste.

At, people will see how a Start-up invents new way to fundraise by solving 4 problems. In particular, the effort tackles the too common method of fundraising by improving delivery and product. In addition, the company strives to answer the growing concern for the health problems plaguing the United States. Meals On A Mission also aims to solve the invisible problem that faces many families: financial incapacity to provide for the burial expenses of their child. While so, the fundraising also campaigns for recognition of hard work rendered.

As a socially conscious for-profit company that makes fundraising even more exciting, Meals On A Mission targets meal planning "with a side of prizes, a side of cooking games and a tall glass of projects." Notably, Meals on A Mission donates 50% of fundraised product sales to all organizations.

Meals On A Mission also carries out the Food Games For Funds (FGFF), a program that rewards hard work rendered for all organizations. Anchored on a positive revenue structure, FGFF rewards with various methods and levels to reach the organizations fundraising goals by donating 60% of WebAD revenue.

Two Mission Outreach programs are also being run by Meals On a Mission, both of which involve the creation of local community gardens using the latest in Green Technology. The gardens will be used to support programs that teach cooking to community youth and hold bi-annual tasting galas that will serve meals for kids from abused, orphaned, or trafficked homes.

In Remembrance Of Me is another program developed to raise money for funeral expenses for children under the age of 18 by donating 70% of product sales as well as a chance to qualify for the FGFF to earn more than 60% of donated WebAD revenue to help the family bury their lost young child with grace and ease. is soon to run on an interactive "sensory" platform that combines social networking, game playing , prize giving, and mission outreaches. The great chef mascot, Chef Pepe Roni, will be cooking side by side with the youth and spreading the word about the importance of eating at home with the family.

To find out more about the great new fundraising idea that strengthens hope and spreads love for the community, please visit for information.


Tags: abused children, burial of children under 18., Churches, Community Gardens, Cooking schools, Fundraising, funerals, general organization, Invention, Local community, meal planning, Mission outreach, Nonprofit, orphaned children, prizes, schools, sexually trafficked children

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Meals On A Mission, LLC
Forest Falls, CA 92339
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