Staying Connected With Your Doctor Now Easier Than Ever
Online, March 18, 2013 ( - Although societies are evolving and focuses are changing, healthcare remains a sector that will always be given a growing importance no matter the times we live in. Efforts are put together to improve continuously healthcare services that are delivered to different communities and many have already realized that technology can bring its valuable contribution to that. To this end, iValueHealth.NET was launched to respond, among other thi¬ngs, to the needs in terms of healthcare identified among patients. Since its launch, more than 180k patients have joined the platform and benefit continuously from different services.
"The platform gives patients the possibility to find the best medical professionals in their geography, get in touch with them, fix and track appointments notes via the platform, which is very much appreciated by our users", said Sergio Lozano, Director at iValueHealth.NET. "Despite all technological advances, people are still spending hours on the phone to find or fix an appointment with a doctor. Now we give them the choice to do it through their smartphone, computer or tablet with just a couple of clicks and in less than 2 minutes.", added the Director.
Bringing closer patients and doctors in the online world, helping them to communicate and get in touch more easily seems to be a good step in making healthcare move one step further in Europe, the main target public of iValueHealth. Until regulations are being clarified at European level, bringing patients and doctors closer is a small step towards full telemedicine services (online chat, video conference etc.). We are persuaded that this will slowly drive the change in the healthcare sector. Doctors can fix appointments, track all patients and communicate with them in one place. For patients, having a larger visibility of medical professionals available in a given geography will avoid waiting too long for getting an appointment with a specialist, which is now the case in some countries. "Our priority is to ensure enhanced relationships between patients and doctors and contribute to the quality of healthcare delivered", he added.
To date, more than 175k users have joined the iValueHealth.NET community and their positive echoes seem to trigger additional ones. Accessing iValueHealth.NET platform is free of charge and open to everyone. All one needs to connect is an e-mail address.
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Tags: health professionals, iValueHealth, members, users