Steal From The Greatest Golf Instructor Ever

For more than 60 years -- as an English club professional, at his eponymous schools, consulting various national programs and advising the greats of the game -- John Jacobs has taught more golfers well than perhaps any instructor who has ever lived.

Hey, golfers!

As I'm sure you've noticed in past posts, I love finding out what other people are doing successfully and copy(aka Steal). Isn't that the sincerest form of flattery? Read what John Jacobs, perhaps the greatest golf trainer in the world, says below


I explain well because I was a dunce in school. I've never been so miserable in my life as I was on the first day of class after the glorious summer break. But it's why I became a good teacher. I was always so bored and confused in the classroom, so I know exactly what it's like to not understand. I make sure to give people a careful, logical explanation, along with some fun. I don't want their time with me to remind them of school. But I want them to understand.

TRYING TO REPEAT a practice swing when actually hitting the ball seldom works. A golf swing is only as good as the position of the clubface at impact, so there is a natural and necessary apprehension about making square contact with the ball. A practice swing has no impact and so is devoid of the necessary focus.

THE MOST HELPFUL fixes for rocking and blocking are standing taller to the ball and making sure the clubhead is neutral to slightly open at address. Both take the steepness out of the backswing and encourage the correct rotary motion. So does hitting shots with the ball above the feet, as well as hitting drivers off the ground, where good contact is impossible if the path is too inside.

Dave, back. The next section of this article is where he talks about specific people he's coached. NOT to be missed.


JACK NICKLAUS WAS not an exceptional striker in that his shots were not pure in the absolute sense. But his swing was very repeatable when it came to controlling a slightly open face at impact, and I can't recall him ever flipping the club over. He didn't really have a danger shot, which was mostly due to his huge mental strength.

Okay, you just have to respect someone that has lived that long, learned that much and enjoyed the game of golf that much. Right?

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See ya at the 19th hole,


p.s. If you watch American Idol or know who Tiger Woods is, check out my post the other day HERE


Tags: bunker, golf, Golf Club, golf swing, golf tips, golfer, instructions, mental game tips, simple swing

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San Diego, CA