Steamboat Motors Joins Popular Social Networking Site Pinterest

Steamboat Motors recently joined the social site Pinterest. Steamboat Motors plans to use this site to share its favorite photos, tips, suggestions, and ideas with the greater Steamboat Springs area.

Steamboat Motors is a local dealership located in Steamboat Springs, Colorado. In addition to providing new and used cars, rentals, service, and parts, Steamboat Motors now offers tips, photos, ideas, and lifestyle pieces on the new social site, Pinterest. This local dealer is excited to connect with local communities and members from around the country on Pinterest.

Pinterest allows Steamboat Motors to "pin" its favorite photos, graphs, links, and more. They have created boards focused on a variety of themes, including the city of Steamboat Springs, the Jeepin the Boat Club, pets and animals, cleaning tips, and other useful suggestions. This way, fellow pinners can choose to follow the Steamboat Motors account and therefore all of their boards or just follow a particular board that interests them.

Steamboat Motors has also created a board for happy customers and for cars at their dealership. Pinners who are interested in the dealership itself will be able to see some of the cars that Steamboat Motors has in inventory as well as people who have already purchased a car here and are satisfied with their product. Again, if someone from the Pinterest community does not live near Steamboat Motors and does not wish to view these types of pins, they can follow any of the other pin boards instead.

Steamboat Motors is excited to connect with the Pinterest community and encourages interested to pinners to follow their boards. The Steamboat Motors Pinterest page can be found at For more information on the Pinterest page or the dealership as a whole, contact Steamboat Motors at 866-253-0453 or by filling out a Contact Us form:

To stay up to date with all dealership announcements and news, like Steamboat Motors on Facebook at and on follow them on Twitter at!/SteamboatMotors.


Tags: boards, CO, connect, Follow, followers, join, New, Pin Board, Pinner, Pins, Pinterest, social media, Social Site, steamboat motors, steamboat springs

About Steamboat Motors

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Amy Arnold
Press Contact, Steamboat Motors
Steamboat Motors
2310 Lincoln Ave.
Steamboat Springs, CO 80487
United States