Steelwedge Features Best-Selling Sales and Operations (S&OP) Author in Free Webinar
Online, May 29, 2010 ( - The strategic partnership of Steelwedge and Tom Wallace combines two industry leaders specializing in Executive Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP). The author of the highly regarded Sales and Operations Planning: The How-To Handbook, 3rd Ed., Tom Wallace has devoted his career to helping companies successfully implement Executive S&OP, while Steelwedge has built a solid reputation among the Fortune 500 and industry analysts as the leading S&OP software provider.
The webinar will help sales, marketing, supply chain and finance executives avoid common missteps that can undermine sales and operations planning. Tom Wallace will mine his decades of experience as a forecasting and planning thought leader to expose ten myths that can quickly derail an S&OP process and damage corporate performance and profitability. In addition, Steelwedge will discuss how its customers are leveraging its software to realize the full benefits of S&OP best practices.
"Companies seeking to adopt best practices for Executive S&OP will greatly benefit from Tom Wallace's expertise and insight," explains Glen Margolis, CEO of Steelwedge Software. "Bridging the gap between supply chain planning and strategic financial planning remains a strategic priority for many organizations, and Tom brings a sophisticated understanding of the people, process and technology components required for S&OP success."
Tags: Executive S&OP, S&OP, s&op process, sales & operation planning, Sales & operations planning proc, Sales Forecasting and Planning