Stephanie Driscoll's New Book "Sex, Lies, and Bundt Cake" is a Tale of a Woman's Overwhelming Circumstances When Her Daughter is Diagnosed With Cancer.

Stephanie Driscoll, a loving wife and mother, has completed her new book, “Sex, Lies, and Bundt Cake: Take a mom, add in a brain tumor, friends, faith, and deception. You have the perfect recipe for....”: a gripping opus of a mother’s experiences of dealing with her daughter’s disease and her interpersonal dilemmas.

Stephanie shares, “I have a good friend that had a post on FB about cancer. Her friend’s child had just passed away from cancer. She talked about their story and ended with the line, 'I hate cancer.'

I get why she would write that. Cancer sucks. I should know. My own child battled it for five years. We did surgeries, chemo and radiation. We even did experimental medicine. Our Avery lost her battle in June 2016, when she was thirteen years young. It all sucked, especially the loosing part.  But I don’t hate cancer. In fact, cancer is a blessing.

Yep you read that right. Cancer can be a BLESSING.

 Cancer made us closer as mother and child, we spent a lot of time together. Cancer helped me focus on what really matters, the relationships. Cancer gave us time to have a last family photo and last family trip. And to know they were, most likely, our last family picture and last family trip. Cancer made us appreciate the little things. We were so blessed that people (some that we didn’t even know) that sent donations and messages. We were served in every way possible.

 We met amazing other cancer families that we loved instantly. We met wonderful doctors and medical staff. We read everything we could about our child’s diagnosis and medical terms. We learned about foundations and current research. We realized that even in our darkest days, if you look around, you will find someone in a worse situation. In a children’s hospital, that’s easy to do.

 There is so much that cancer brought to my life that is positive. I still wish my daughter never had cancer. I wish I could hold her and hug her. But I can’t. I can either use my energy to hate cancer, which won’t get me anywhere and won’t honor her life or memory, or I can use that to help others.

I decided to share some of these experiences by writing a book. It’s a fiction book and the story isn’t an actual account of our lives, but a riveting story where I pulled from my own cancer journey. It’s a way to give others a realistic account of what happens in the life of a family with a child with cancer.

 If I can connect with one mom, one family, one person to feel like they learned more about life and dealing with trails, that is 100% why I wrote this book.

The title of the book is ‘Sex, Lies and Bundt Cake’. I know, I know, you are scratching your head wondering what all that has to do with cancer? All I can say, is read the story.”

Excerpt from “Sex, Lies and Bundt Cake”

“I am sitting here thinking this cannot be my life. That I somehow have switched bodies with someone else. Isn’t that how it always feels when something traumatic happens? Like it would or should never happen to you? Isn’t that what surreal means?

 I reflect on the last week. Was it just a week ago we were a regular family with regular issues? It seems laughable all the things just last week I thought were hard. The constant struggle of keeping a clean house with three kids, someone always with a complaint about what was for dinner, the embarrassment of getting to church and seeing one of the boys with bed head hair. Feels like a lifetime ago and a moment ago, all at the same time.”

 “How else would you describe it when a doctor says, your eight-year-old daughter has a brain tumor. Brain tumor. The words played over and over in my mind since Monday afternoon.”

The author concludes stating, “Buy one for yourself, for a friend going through a similar situation, buy one because you want to support me and our causes and the other families who walk this road every day without a manual on what to do and how to do it. Buy one because you care about someone who walks this journey.”

Readers can purchase “Sex, Lies, and Bundt Cake: Take a mom, add in a brain tumor, friends, faith, and deception. You have the perfect recipe for....” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

Source: Covenant Books


Tags: "Sex, and Bundt Cake", Cancer, Covenant Books, Lies, new book, Stephanie Driscoll

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