Steve Sucher Hopes New Park Comes to Life in Neighborhood

​For the past six months, Steve Sucher has pondered about the area across from his home that has turned into an eyesore for the greater St. Louis community.

Because of the lack of green space in the community children are playing in the streets. They dodge cars and put themselves in dangerous situations because of no playground in the area.

"Children should never have to play in the streets," said Sucher. "These conditions are not ideal for anybody in this city. We, as a community, have to do something."

Sucher plans on being the person to change what is happening. He believes it is about time someone did something to save the lot. The idea of a playground popped into his mind, and he plans on bringing his goal to life shortly.

Approaching The City About The Idea

First, Sucher needs to discover if the owner of the plot is the city or a private party. If the city owns the parcel, it will make things easier for things to continue. Sucher adds, "If there is a private owner of the plot, we will have had to work with that owner on this idea, which sometimes is not ideal."

Sucher plans on participating in several upcoming council meetings where he can discuss the dangers of not having a playground in the area. He also intends on expressing his concern about the number of kids playing in the streets.

The long-time St. Louis resident hopes to gain support from community leaders on the idea of a playground. He also plans to convince a local landscaping company to clean the area and prepare it for the next steps. He believes having a plan in place will help the city go forward with the idea.

"The process is going to take some time to get city council onboard with the idea," Sucher warns. "The easy task was coming up with the idea. Now I have to get community leaders behind the project."

He will spend his time calling around the city until he finds a company that is willing to help the cause by donating playground equipment. He wants this idea to be funded entirely by donors.

Donors Should Help Get Equipment for Park

Generous donors from the area should back the project entirely. He hopes the city will not have to contribute with donations. Sucher says he hopes the city will help speed the process by dealing with all the paperwork for free.

"The city should do their part in making this process painless," Sucher says. "I hope I don't run into resistance because I know there are other important projects in the city. I just want a chance to have my voice heard."

Steve Sucher is also proud to be a member of the local community and believes people want to help out. He intends on starting a fundraising campaign, along with attaining volunteer builders, for a good cause.

Community Willing to Do Their Part

Sucher is confident that volunteers from all over the greater St. Louis area will help with the building of the playground.

Sucher believes that the playground idea will bring the neighborhood together and build new friendships. This project will also keep children safe and away from the streets, and provide the city with a clean, fun, safe green space.

As Sucher walks the grounds empty, overgrown lot, he imagines children playing. He does think about what could happen to the area if he doesn't step up. But he is excited about the possibilities and the final project.

Source: Web Presence, LLC


Tags: Steve Sucher, Steve Sucher Missouri, Steve Sucher St. Louis