Stevie Nicks Tribute White Winged Dove, Atlanta's Newest Sensation, Prepares for 2011/2012 Tour
Online, July 19, 2011 ( - The most exciting new Stevie Nicks tribute, White Winged Dove, is busy getting ready for their "EPIC TOUR", which will begin in late 2011/early 2012. There is much buzz about this new act, and their Facebook page already is receiving 10,000 views per month, to check out their rehearsal videos, and MP3s!
We sat down to do an interview with the singer of the most talked about new Stevie Nicks Tribute, White Winged Dove, Barbara, after one of her photo sessions, just outside of Atlanta, GA. She revealed some hints about WWD's upcoming tour, as well as songlist choices, and plans for the future. Here is how it went.
JS: Jason Stiller, interviewer BJ: Barbara, WWD vocalist.
JS: There is a lot of buzz about your Stevie Nicks tribute, there has not been one in the Atlanta area before?
BJ: I know, it is very exciting, and we are looking to book the tribute Worldwide, as well as the wonderful venues in, and around the Atlanta area.
JS: I hear your songlist is massive!
BJ: ::laughs:: Well, that is one thing I can surely take "credit" for. I have been a fan of Stevie's for many years, and I have listened to her serious fans, saying, "oh if only Stevie would do this song live" about many wonderful songs, which also happen to be songs I, personally adore, so I am very thrilled to be bringing them to the stages of the world! Songs like "Wild Heart", "Sable On Blond", "Blue Lamp", "Alice" etc. Stevie would be so incredible doing those live, but unfortunately, she has/does not, so I want to bring this to her fans.
JS: How many songs are on the songlist?
BJ: Right now, there are 51. We want to have 30 mastered before we play our first gig, so we are looking at November, December 2011, possibly even January of the new year...there is no "rush", as this is going to be SUCH a major and heavy presentation, everything has to be PERFECT.
JS: Does Stevie know about you?
BJ: Yes, I have spoken to her wonderful Mom on the phone many times, and she told me Stevie thinks what I do is "very cool"...I have also met her very nice Brother, and her band members, not Miss S herself, yet! Maybe one day. I just want to do her justice..she is so unique, and truly one of a kind :: breaks into song :: "all one of a kind" :::laughs:::and I think to portray such a legend, that everything is major...the vocals being number one..also the look, and the clothing and accessories must, just must, be spot on!
JS: Wow, you really do sound like her!
BJ: Thank you. It is truly a gift and such an honor.
JS: In closing, what do you want people to know about your tribute?
BJ: Well, that we are truly fans of Stevie. We are not doing this just to do it. I have been a fan since I was a teenager, and I have listened to all the demos, watched all the videos, the released ones, and the beautiful outtakes, collected photos of her, and when I was doing this, I wasn't doing it, with plans to ever do a tribute show.
I was doing it simply because I love her, and her music. The tribute show idea came in the 1990s, and I have been doing them ever since, some solo shows all over the US, with studio tracks, as well as my own bands, but nothing, and I mean NOTHING, has even been like White Winged Dove.
This, my friend, is going to be EPIC. I want to touch each and every fan that comes to one of our concerts, and make them feel the love I have, they have, for Stevie. A tribute is indeed that, a tribute TO the original.
I am not Stevie, don't try to "be" Stevie, etc. She is the one and only. I am singing her songs, and I am doing them the very best I can, so that when she hears a MP3, or sees a video clip one day, she will smile. That is all I can ask.
I am blessed to be able to do this, and I know that, each day, and I am the one smiling. Thank you for this interview!
JS: Thank you, Barbara, and I wish you the most success with this, and I will be first in line to get that ticket for opening day!
To find out more about White Winged Dove, visit their FaceBook band page, which has 12,000-15,000 views per month already, at:
You can also check out videos, MP3s, and tour dates there.
Tags: impersonator, Live Concert, lookalike, Stevie Nicks tribute