Stitch Perfect Panoramic Shots from Scattered Picture with PhotoStitcher

TeoreX announces the release of PhotoStitcher, a tool for straightforward combining of multiple overlapping pictures into a fine ideally fitting panoramic photo.

The user is provided with a convenient and simple instrument to align several shots taken from the same point both vertically and horizontally to produce a non¬distorted image of the whole panorama.

Taking a photo of massive or large¬scale objects is a real pain even for pro photographers. A breath¬taking mount or a majestic gothic cathedral barely fit the camera view unless the camera has a specialized (and expensive!) lens. Making several shots and stitching them together into the panorama would be a solution, if not for technical skills required to perform this in a proper manner.

PhotoStitcher recently released by TeoreX smoothly blends multiple overlapping pictures of the same object into a finely aligned panoramic image without a single manual operation at all! Technically, a user simply loads all the photos of the object taken from the same point of view into the program, clicks the "Stitch" button and after a moment the program presents a final panoramic image.

PhotoStitcher automatically addresses the entire scope of technical issues like proper alignment of images next to each other, distortion compensation, and varying perspective. The program supports creation of horizontal, vertical and combined panoramic photos without any user input, 100% automatically. Together with genuinely intuitive user interface, PhotoStitcher is definitely a remarkable graphics tool that is worth trying.

Pricing and availability
PhotoStitcher is available for Windows XP or higher and for Mac OS X 10.6 or higher. The program is free for evaluation while the full version costs $19.99.

Download link:

Max Gapchenko
[email protected]


Tags: panoramic photo, photo editor, photo stitcher, Software

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