Strategic Workshop in Dubai to Discuss Concerns of Gas Processing

Praxis Global Research is putting together the upcoming 4th Global Gas Processing Praxis Interactive Technology Workshop from 10th to 12th of December, 2012 in Dubai, UAE. To learn how to register, please contact: Karishma Lulla - Project Mana

The burning of natural gas in an open flame, known as flaring, is a common practice in the process of producing natural gas for commercial and industrial markets. However, the emissions produced in this process have a high negative impact on the environment and on human & animal life. Flaring is important to dispose of gas high in contaminants such as Hydrogen Sulfide and Carbon Dioxide. But the process of flaring has cost the industry tens of billions of dollars. In the past two years, the flaring of waste gas has increased drastically. Processing and environmental experts from the industry are aiming to understand how to better achieve zero flaring.

The industry has understood concerns to reduce impurities in the natural gas stream, and curb gas flaring at the same time. The quick resolution of these issues is imperative to ensure gas supply meets demand in an environmentally-safe manner. Taking into consideration these and other issues, Praxis Global Research is putting together the upcoming 4th Global Gas Processing Praxis Interactive Technology Workshop from 10th to 12th of December, 2012 in Dubai, UAE. This interactive meeting will involve major operating companies and technology providers with a platform to discuss and address issues that crop up in the gas processing industry.

Ahmad Homssi, Environmental Manager at Q-Chem, will talk about Flaring Reduction and Emissions Minimisation. Mahin Rameshni, President & CEO of Rameshni & Associates Technology & Engineering, will speak at this meeting about dealing with lean acid gases in SRU designs. Focus will also be laid on the subject of sour gas processing by Esther van Soest, Advisor at Petroleum Development Oman. Bruno de Jonckheere will be presenting a case study and representing UOP Honeywell.

The event is expected to have attendance from senior-level technical experts from national and international operating companies as well as top-notch technology providers. Participants will have the opportunity to interact and share views and ideas, and also meet informally at social networking activities.

To learn more about this event and how to register, please contact Karishma Lulla on +971.4.884.1110 ext. 135 or [email protected]

Karishma Lulla
Project Manager - Gas Processing
E: [email protected]
T: +971.4.884.1110 ext. 135
F: +971.4.884.7140


Tags: gas, Praxis, Processing, workshop

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