Stream11 simplifies FaceBook application development
Stream11 Corp, developer of custom FaceBook applications, introducing an innovative service of FaceBook application development from code template. This approach allows to significantly reduce development cost and time to market.
Online, August 12, 2010 ( - Developing FaceBook applications from scratch is a time consuming and expensive process. There are many points where FaceBook application should communicate to FaceBook servers to activate as many viral channels as FaceBook platform can provide.
To simplify and speed-up application development, and to reduce cost associated with application development, Stream11 Corp offers several "template applications" completed with source code and database schema. Company clients select an application template that most closely resembles desired functionality and modify the code, ether in-house or with the help of Stream11 consulting services.
More information about the FaceBook application development services is available from the Stream11 web site at
Tags: code development, code development from templates, FaceBook API integration, facebook applications, Social Apps, Stream11, User Interface development