Streamline Releases Joint Case Study With Design Within Reach (DWR)
Jacksonville, FL, October 1, 2014 ( - Streamline, a cloud-based ERP supply chain management software company, today released the first in a series of joint case studies with clients representing key sectors of its business. Design Within Reach (DWR), a leading retail and contract supplier of modern design furnishings and accessories, offers insight into the logistics end of supply chain management.
DWR markets and sells its products to residential and commercial customers in the United States, Canada and Mexico through its catalog, any of its 40 retail studios throughout North America, or through its website and direct sales force. DWR also serves qualified architects, interior designers, property owners and developers through its trade and contract business for companies, residences and projects.
"Streamline was able to provide the visibility we need to incoming shipments to keep our customers and our sales folks informed and expectations in line - functionality that had been sorely missing to date,"
Bethany Kemp, Vice President of Technology and Information Systems
The company transitioned from a home-grown ERP solution to Streamline ERP in June. Since then, it has experienced positive results, including greater real-time transparency into its complete supply chain picture, an efficiency enhancement to its workforce and improved relations with key supply chain partners.
“Streamline was able to provide the visibility we need to incoming shipments to keep our customers and our sales folks informed and expectations in line – functionality that had been sorely missing to date,” said Bethany Kemp, DWR’s vice president of technology and information systems.
Streamline delivers enterprise-wide products and services that maximize return on investment. Streamline provides a world-class, total enterprise solution without the large capital expense of traditional ERP systems.
The complete case study is available on Streamline Blog:
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Tags: DB Schenker, DF14, DSV, DWR, ERP, JAS, Logistics,, Salesforce1, Supply Chain, Transportation