Stressed? Take It Out On The Veggies

After a low point in my life, the doctor suggested some medication to perk me up. I tried something else instead.

Although there is a time and place for medical intervention when it comes to stress, in my particular case I found it was too easy to go for the pills to solve all my issues.

If you feel anything like I did a couple of month ago, then you're probably dragging your butt around trying to just get through the day so you can plop yourself down on the couch until bedtime.

Not too long ago I was experiencing a really stressful time in my life and I found my energy level totally dropped off. Most days it was all I could do to get up, into work and back home again. I really think that I was experiencing a mild case of depression because I had no real interest in doing much of anything at all.

My family started to get concerned and sort of pushed me into going to see my doctor, but all he recommended was improving my diet to get more energy, and I left with a prescription for anti-depressants.

Not really impressed !

I'm not a pill popper so I ripped up the prescription and I decided to try eating better, but that didn't go very well.

I'm not the sort of person who totally loves fruits and vegetables and trying to get in all the servings the nutritionists suggest was next to impossible. I felt like a rabbit and got totally put off!

A friend suggested I give juicing a try and I loved it. It was an awesome way for me to get all the vitamins and fiber I needed to try to get some more energy, and I could down a glass in no time.

Here's a sample of one of my favourite juice recipes. Heads up about the colour - don't be put off - It looks really gross, but don't let that deter you, because it tastes great and you'll feel amazing in a really short amount of time.

Click on the link to see the whole article that includes instructions on the juicing process and make sure you take a look at the attached videos for some really useful tips on which juicer is the right one you should choose.

Brandon Leen - Writer and contributor for Brandon has done extensive stress study and research and continues to write articles based on the newest stress management techniques. 
Visit to learn more about what stress is and how you can best manage it.
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Many have long touted the health benefits of juicing. Most people do not get enough of the essential vitamins and minerals in their daily diet. When looking at ways to relieve stress, giving attention to physical health is a great way to defend the body against stress. Juicing can help to relieve stress by fortifying your body with natural vitamins and minerals and give your body the raw unprocessed sources of those essential vegetables that most of us do not get enough of in our diets. Below is a recipe for a great stress busting and overall healthy juice. This is an amazing and great tasting drink that will alleviate and fortify your body against daily stresses and illnesses.

The Stress Buster Juice Ingredients (The below ingredients are enough for a large size mug or tall glass. You can adjust the below amounts accordingly or change the quantities of the individual ingredients.)

3 whole carrots

4 stalks of celery

1/2 of a whole beet

2 cloves of raw garlic (If you prefer a "virgin" Stress Buster due to bad breath prevention, the juice will still taste delicious by excluding the garlic, however, the health benefits of garlic are worth its negative breath effects.)

1/4-1/4+ cup of 100% lemon juice

The above recipe is unbelievably delicious! It is amazing how your body feels after drinking the juice. Most people describe a rush of well being after finishing the Stress Buster and many say they feel that it is just what their body needed if they are feeling run down or on the verge of becoming sick.

Juicing is a great way to restore a healthy balance to our bodies as most of us do not take in enough of the raw and unprocessed foods that our bodies desperately need to defend us against stress, anxiety, and illnesses. Take the time to juice for better health.

Your body will thank you for it!

If you like what you read and want to try juicing, you should think about what type of juicer you're going to get. There's a lot of different kinds of the market so knowing what you want before you head out will save you a big headache

eg: Some of the common types include centrifugal, centrifugal ejection, masticating, manual press, single auger, dual cage auger and twin press.

JUICER WITH CARROTS1 Feeling Stressed Put The Squeeze On Some Veggies !I personally like the centrifugal ejection style because it's not too tricky to clean & I could juice without stopping. You're going to be using your juicer several times a day, so getting one that was easy to clean, but was also quick was top on my list of priorities.

I also was watching my budget, but I really wanted to give juicing a fair shot, so I didn't cheap out and get the least expensive. Some of my family chipped in and we shared the cost so they could try it along with me.

This website is great at giving you a short but informative description about all the different kinds of juicers, how they work, etc.

It's also gives you little history on juicing - kind of interesting.

Well, that's pretty much a good amount of info on juicing and how to get started. Like I said before, I've been juicing for a few months and really do notice an improvement in my energy level and definitely feel less stressed than when I went to the doctor.

Give it a try and see how you like it. I'm pretty confident you'll be as hooked as I am!


Tags: Juicing, stress and health, stress management

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