Study Fashion With Italian Stylists and Designers at Home

IELFS - Italian E-learning Fashion School is an online school of fashion and style offering affordable long-distance education in fashion, image and style directly from Italy.

This autumn Italian E-learning Fashion School (IELFS) which offers online education in fashion and style starts its work. Italian fashion experts from Milan will reveal the secrets of the high fashion to everyone who has Internet access no matter where he lives.

It was opened a new type of fashion school in Italy - Italian E-learning Fashion School, where you can get education with Italian fashion experts without leaving home. All education process is organized like in an ordinary fashion academy. It includes lectures, practical assignments, creative projects, exams and certification. The only difference is that a student learns in a virtual classroom and he decides himself when and where to learn: at home, at a cafe, on holiday, in the evening or during the day. Another big difference of an online study fashion is its cost, which is ten times lower in comparison with full-time education.

In spite of the distance education form, each course combines theory and practice. Students carry out their fashion projects, which are then being evaluated by Italian teachers. Plus, the school carries out individual practical trainings in Milan, where every student, under Italian teacher's control, can try out his styling skills in Italian showrooms and photo sets.

To now there are different courses at iELFS: Personal Stylist, Image Consultant, Fashion Stylist, Fashion Blogger&Journalist, Personal Styling for Men. All courses are held in English.

The school staff consists of 8 teachers at the moment. They are Italian designers, stylists, fashion journalists, photographers and bloggers who have extensive experience in the field of fashion and design in Milan.

"It is impossible to learn the world of fashion from books, because it's constantly changing. When we were recruiting a team of teaching staff, - said Ekaterina Kulakova, Project Development Director - we gave preference to those who not only teach at some institute, but most of the time are occupied with real fashion projects in Milan. It is the only way to develop the most up-to-date knowledge of the fashion world. "

IELFS has already another similar education project. Five years ago Italian online School of Fashion and Style was opened for Russian-speaking audience from Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Europe and the United States ( Now the school has about 700 students from more than 25 countries.

The label «Made in Italy» is known worldwide, as well as the fact that Italy is one of the world's fashion trendsetters. For this reason more than 10 000 foreigners from Europe, Brazil, Asia, Africa and Russia (according to the latest annual report) travel to Italy to get education in fashion and design.

But for many of those who would like to study in Italy and in Europe the main problem are high tuition fees and living costs. Education in a fashion academy in Milan may cost 10 000-25 000 euros. Distance learning makes european education accessible and available for many people. For comparison, the Italian E-learning Fashion School courses fees are 459-699 euros.

For more information:

Italian E-Learning Fashion School (IELFS)

Online education in fashion and style in Italy

[email protected]


About Italian E-Learning Fashion School (IELFS)

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IELFS - Italian E-learning Fashion School is an online school of fashion and style offering affordable long-distance education in fashion, image and style directly from Italy.