Study Names Top Sites in Indonesia

Fourth largest country in the world sees growing Internet usage

water&stone has released the first in-depth examination of the favorite sites of Indonesia's Internet users and in the process, identified the companies and brands that are leading the country's emerging Internet industry.

Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world and the world's largest Muslim nation. While it is widely recognized that Indonesia also has a fast growing Internet population, there is little documentation to reveal how that market is evolving.

The study cites data showing that Indonesia now has an Internet population of 45 million, and a figure that has grown by 150% over the last two years. The report also cites statistics showing that Indonesia has the world's second largest Facebook population and leads the world in Twitter penetration.

Ric Shreves, lead analyst on the report, said, "As a firm operating in Indonesia and focused on digital media, we watch the development of the Indonesian Internet market with interest. Official statistics from the government are hard to find and audience measurement metrics spotty at best. This year, we decided to step into the gap and provide our own summary of the state of the Internet in Indonesia in hopes of raising awareness of what's happening in this dynamic market."

Indonesia Online 2010 was created by water&stone, a digital agency based in Bali, Indonesia. The Report is non-commercial and released under an open license.

>> You can download a copy of Indonesia Online 2010 from


About the publisher


water&stone is a full service digital agency, located in Bali, Indonesia. The company is focused on helping clients realize increased value from the implementation of open source tools, in particular open source content management systems.

water&stone was formed in 2003, specifically in response to the growth and maturation of open source CMS solutions. Since that time, the team has delivered more than 400 web projects to clients located all over the world. As an indication of their expertise, many of the firm's clients are other web development and design studios located in Australia, the UK, North America and Europe.

In addition to design and development, water&stone provides consultancy and search marketing services, including brand monitoring and reputation management.

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Please contact Ric Shreves by email at [email protected]


Tags: audience measurement, brand strength, indonesia, Internet, Market Share

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