Sub Prime Resolved - a New Book by Anil Selarka - British Author from Hong Kong offers total solution to financial crisis.
Online, December 14, 2009 (
A new book released on Solutions to Financial Crisis
A Bible for the Complete Economic Recovery
of the United States of America
ISBN: 978-988-18239-1-5 â— Hard Cover â— US$ 59.95
For Immediate Release
Hong Kong, December 12, 2009 by Anil Selarka, Author & Publisher
We are pleased to announce the release of new book "SUB PRIME RESOLVED" in USA and Asia. It offers total solution to all the problems that caused the worst ever recession since 1930. Click Chapter Index here for full content details in slide-show
The book offers comprehensive solution for each troubling issue - step by step, point by point, in verifiable details, in plain English without using technical jargon.
The solutions offered do not involve any expenses. It shows US Administration, the avenues for income first and then proceeds to cut down the taxes to spur the growth. No more paper money need be printed that could be inflationary.
Salient features:
1. Solutions: Each of 16 chapters deals with specific issue, analyzed to nut & bolt and the targeted solutions offered, in 296 pages, full color.
2. Mortgages: Many aspects are revealed here for the first time. Why do some people default on mortgages willingly in USA? Full analysis and solutions offered.
3. Business Immigration: key to recovery. Over $ 1.8 trillions could come to USA without any repayment liability. This chapter sets the tone of sustainable recovery.
4. State Financing: P 22-24 shows how the States could raise $ 1 trillion without repayment liability?
5. Euro dollar: Is Euro dollar a legal currency? The book shows how US could earn $ 1.2 trillions.
6. Fixing Banks, Brokers and Insurers: Step by step. Setting up US Asset Management Corporation, called USAMCORP, a special purpose vehicle to resolve the complex problem.
7. Fixing Auto industry: Chrysler and General Motor would not have opted for bankruptcy if this book were read earlier. The book claims that these auto makers need "Sales", not charity dollars. It proceeds thereafter to lay down methodical plan to restore lost sales and even increase it.
8. Fixing Airline industry: They lose money all the time - recession or no recession. Quick fixes.
9. Dynamic theory of Taxation: After showing US administration how to earn over US$ 3 trillions from Business Immigration and Euro dollar, ways are shown how to cut the taxes for everyone - from individuals to corporate sector. 32 pages of taxation schedule are appended. This reform can be applied to any country - just replace the dollar with the desired national currency.
10. FED: Everything about FED, Interest rates, inflation, deflation, stagflation, recession and depression. Where did it fail and how could it revamp the economy?
11. Oil Prices: Why do they rise and fall violently? Who manipulates? An investigative expose.
12. Gold: Another investigative expose. The book claims US lost its title to almost all of its gold without Americans knowing it and that there is a shortage of almost 6297 tons of gold - even more. The gold may be available physically, but its true ownership lies somewhere else.
13. Islam: This chapter shows how to cause Islam to abandon the violence and return to peace.
14. Defense technology for peace: It shows how the "Cluster Bomb technology" could be used for civilian purposes; resolve problems relating to natural disasters and convert devastating war industry into $ 300 billions a year export industry. It shows how weapons could bring peace.
About the Author:
Anil Selarka, Hong Kong based British author, is a well qualified finance professional and freelance journalist. He has 40 years of combined experience as a banker, stock broker, fixed income & convertible bond trader specializing in US, Hong Kong, European and Indian markets.
He is also a keen observer of FED and other central banks since 1987. He holds degrees in Science, Law, Banking and Cost Accountancy. He is renowned for his problem solving capabilities.
Media Contacts... in Hong Kong
Anil Selarka, Author & Publisher
4F, 3 Wood Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
+852 Tel: 2573 2604 Fax: 2573 2635
email: [email protected]
Book Web: USA
CQ International (Ms. Bali Clasquin)
26895 Aliso Creek Road,
Aliso Viejo, CA 92656-5301 USA
+1 Tel: 949-305 8661 Fax: 949-613 8388
email: [email protected]
Tags: Bail Out, Bank failures, bankruptcy, Expose, financial crisis, foreclosures, gold, Job Losses, oil, Solutions, Unemmployment