Success Depends Upon A Mission Greater Than Yourself

A declaration of Personal Readiness is critical element to lead the organization. For the balance of 2012 and through 2013, The Learned Entrepreneur will be Coaching and Mentoring others from the baby-boomer generation in internet marketing skills.

Mr. Guy Graves, Founder and CEO of vasQ Analysts, LLC announced this week through the video published on YouTube, a "Declaration of Personal Readiness" to lead others from the baby-boomer generation into a successful internet marketing skills development program.

Standing on the center star (50 yard line) of the Dallas Cowboys stadium in Arlington, Texas, Mr. Graves stated that due to preparations and skills training derived from ventures with PRO U and Empower Network, a coaching/mentoring program will be unveiled for baby-boomers. Patterned after the Technical and Tactical Skills taught volleyball players, participants of The Learned Entrepreneur school for internet marketing are certain to find success more quickly.

3 Primary Keys for Success -

Choose to Be a Success
Connect with Others
Be the Leader Others Look To

Mr. Graves states simply that anyone who believes that they possess the intellect and computer prowess to learn internet marketing can be successful if they follow some time-tested steps. The first success step requires a proper mindset. Most of those within the baby-boomer generation are accustomed to working jobs and providing service in exchange for salary or wages.

The internet marketing entrepreneur requires a distinctive mindset, often a spirit of self-directed motivation and the ability to solve problems. Internet marketing is composed of a variety of business elements and different technological challenges. The second success step is the choice of becoming a leader.

5 Things Leaders Do EVERY DAY

1. Spend time visualizing and meditating on personal and business goals.
2. Spend time on income producing activity
3. Invest time in personal development, self-mastery and growth
4. Mastermind with others
5. Cultivate the expectations of leadership

Those seeking to understand more about the economy surrounding internet marketing are encouraged to visit the website for The Learned Entrepreneur >>


Tags: entrepreneur, internet marketing, leader

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Guy Graves
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vasQ Analysts, LLC
203 Lackell Ave #3
San Antonio, TX 78226
United States