Sunflower Systems Jim Dieter Describes ISO 55000 Timeline in Uptime Magazine
Online, December 13, 2012 ( - The timeline begins with historical background information beginning in 2000 and includes the creation of the first Working Draft in March of 2011, Committee Drafts, and creation of the Draft International Standard (DIS), Comments and Resolutions (Spring 2013) with the final adoption planned for February 2014.
Mr. Dieter is the US Head of Delegation to ISO Technical Committee (TC) 251 developing ISO 55000 and encourages persons to contact him directly for information about the standard and its potential to add value to your organization at [email protected].
"Uptime Magazine is a voting member of the US Technical Advisory Group and you can count on us for future guidance", says Terrance O'Hanlon, Publisher. "There is a 20-county effort being coordinated by the International Standards Organization ( to create a new standard for an Asset Management "managing" System. It will be titled ISO 55000 and if your company is already using ISO 9001 and/or ISO 14001, we suggest that ISO 55000 should be on your near term radar.
To access the article and timeline, go to:
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About the Author
Jim Dieter is the Director of Strategic Programs for Sunflower Systems™, has more than 25 years experience in the US public sector as an asset management leader and consultant for multinational corporations and Federal agencies. He is a founding member of ASTM Committee E53 on Property and Asset Management Standards, and has led the development of seven international standards. He is the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) Head of Delegation representing the United States on ISO PC 251 developing ISO 55000, Asset Management Systems. Mr. Dieter is a Member of the Institute of Asset Management (MIAM), and has been a National Property Management Association (NPMA) member for over 25 years, where he has been Executive Vice President and Acting President, and has been recognized as a Consulting Fellow and Property Person of the Year.
About Sunflower Systems
Sunflower Systems is an enterprise asset management solutions company specializing in the deployment of software tools and business processes to simplify asset management tasks. Sunflower's portfolio of solutions enables organizations to improve decision-making, accountability and regulatory compliance for all types of assets including personal property, real property, IT assets, materials, vehicles and more. Sunflower Systems offers a wide range of services including software implementation, training, consulting and operational support. Sunflower Systems has been serving the property management needs of federal government agencies, universities, government contractors and national laboratories since 1997. The company has offices in San Ramon, California and Arlington, Virginia. For more information, please call 866-209-3516 or visit our website at
Sunflower Systems and Sunflower Assets are registered trademarks. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.
Tags: "Enterprise asset management sof, "Enterprise asset management sys, asset management standards, enterprise asset management, ISO 55000